The New Yang Xaio Long

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Jack Pov

i would appear in a drifent land somewhere on a mountain as i would look around and simple see a kingdom in the distance and some bandit camp down on the right i would notice im wearing something else also as i would ask "when did i change?" i could hear the nightmare hunter say "this is how the person sees you in their eyes" i would look down and shout "REALLY SOME GUY WHO SHOWS OFF HIS ABS AND WHAT DO THE SKULLS EVEN MEAN!" i would sigh and head down to the bandit camp knowing abit about raven yang is probaly there where her mother is

i would appear in a drifent land somewhere on a mountain as i would look around and simple see a kingdom in the distance and some bandit camp down on the right i would notice im wearing something else also as i would ask "when did i change?" i cou...

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i would simple arrive at the front gate i had spotted no grimm yet which was odd and the walk was calm also i simple shout "anybody home!" the gate would open as i would get serounded by bandits as i then spot a version off kyle as a faunus saying "who dares enter the territory of yang branwen" i would respond "it's jack azaxon" i was not sure if saying my full name or even my name in here would affect the real world yang so i simple had to make up a fake name but i couldn't think off a fake first name so i went with a fake second name

as the faunus kyle would say "sorry we have never heard off a jack azaxon we ask you to leave or we will make you leave by force" i would respond with "sorry i can't go until i speak to yang..." kyle would raise his hand as all the bandits got ready to attack as i would shout "OI YANG I KNOW YOUR MOTHER RAVEN BRANWEN" the bandits would charge at me some with weapons and some with bullets as i would jump up avoiding the guys with weapons the bullets damage my auras as i would say "boom"  the guys would look down in fear as i use this oppertunity to hit one

grabbing his weapon and then attacking the other bandits with speed strenght and precision as i would then be punched in the back and fall onto the ground grunting looking behind me it was the faunus kyle he probaly used his semblance to get behind me as he would go to stomp on me but i would do a half roll back before jumping up using my back and hands then kicking him in the chest and rolling backwards as he would turn into shadows again i would look around before i spot him coming out off the shadows and i would barely block the attack off his bigger broad sword

i could see my aura shatter as i got up "dam i gotta play carefull now" but this kyle was drifent it was easy to tell if you look at him first he is a faunus second he is taller third he has more muscle and fourth he only has one weapon his big broadsword i got up and see him charge at me i would use my agility and flexible body to avoid the first swing off his sword i would then counter attack by uppercutting his jaw and go into a spin kick to his neck making him stumble a bit "tch tough bastard..." he would go into the shadows again but this time i had a counter for his semblance

i would start counting in my head 1....2...3....i then spot a shadow and backflip over the sword and pull kyle by his dog ears but he disepears in the shadows again i would start counting again 1...2...3...4...5 i would then be hit from the right feeling my ribs fracture as i hold my mouth blood coming out off it i continue to counter and avoid him it would take kyle 1-7 seconds to come out off the shadows just cause this one was taller and more buff did not mean his semblance worked drifently now having a counter i started to run away this ofcoursed increased kyles semblance time

it would now atleast take 12 seconds to reach me 15 if i started parkouring using the trees and now having found my counter i would get ready to start fighting back before i hear 2 gun shots as kyle suddenly stopped fighting as i turn over and see a woman with black hair and midnight purple eyes it was a mixture off purple and black as the woman says "allright i am here now what do you want..." yup it was yang as i would say "i just wanted to talk to you that is all yang" she would walk over to kyle and kick him in the face before stepping on him saying "stupid dog can't even beat some random guy with no weapon i taught you better then this you be sleeping outside again tonight"

as she puts a chain with a collar on it to kyles neck before pulling him back as she looks at me and says "follow me or leave now.." i would follow her it seemed she did not like kyle still in a way and saw him as some pet regardless i can see yang eyeing at me specifically my abs she was dressed unapropiately anyway chest out short skirt thigh highs which were nice but i could clearly see her cleavage and ass i would then enter her room as she sits on her desk and having chained kyle up outside as yang would eat some meat and sit like a pirate saying "what you need sweet abs?"

i respond with "first i can see your chest and ass second i just am here to get you and bring you back" yang would have her eyes change to red meaning her semblance is activating as she shouts "i'm not going back to that soft shit life i had i build up this entire gang from the ground and im not leaving until my mother comes back and raises me unlike that dog outside!" as she agressively takes a beat off a drumstick i respond with "i thought you and kyle already talked about it..." yang would respond with "we did but regardless i will never forgive him or her if that is all get out!" 

i would sigh and say "gosh all that meat clearly went somewhere all right you acting like a total brat" yang would jump at me as i would block the attack but be pushed backwards as i grunt as she says "i will make you pay for that comment" i respond with "try it fatass!" yang would whistle as im serounded again grunting with no aura and who knows how many people to fight i was not gonna win as i think "dam it i gotta get out off here..." as yang jumps at me going to punch me in the face as a bright light would shine

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