The Knight Within

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Jaune Pov

i would been walking with ruby ren and nora still heading towards mistral i was starting to doubt myself this journey i was helping everybody great but i still had no progress made on my semblance we simple walked for the whole day as then night came and i would say "you 3 can sleep i will hold the first nightguard" ruby would ask "you sure you will be fine all alone?" i respond with "yeah im sure don't worry about me guys" and so the 3 off them go to sleep i wait a few hours and restock the fire with food staring into the fire and then looking at my shield and sword

"what would you have done in this situation kyle...." i would think back to the fall off beacon how we lost pyrrha and kyle just suddenly disepearing without even saying goodbye i turned melted pyrrhas weapons and added them onto my own creating a sword that i can attach my shield too and also got new armor but that was the only memory i had off her i would sigh before i hear rusteling and got up grabbing my weapon i slowly move and see a ursa charge at me i would use my shield and block it then quickly look back to the others who were still asleep

i start running away from camp making the ursa follow me once im far enough i turn around grabbing my sword and clash with the ursa using my physical strenght to push it back as i jump back and attach my shield to my sword and start attacking the ursa again not slowing down as i cut it in half after 3 attacks putting my sword back as i head back to the others and sit down i stare into the fire and lose thought as i feel a hand on my shoulder i turn around and see ren "oh ren what are you doing awake?" ren responds with "i will take over form here jaune get some rest"

i wanted to say something but knowing ren he would convince me to sleep anyway i sigh "fine i will go to sleep" i would sleep for the night but i would mostly be lost in thoughtuntil i hear a familiar voice say "i knew you are nothing without kyle.." i would open my eyes looking around but i was serounded by darkness "who is there!?" i would say in panicking tone then out off the darkness comes jack walking towards me he would simple walk around me in a circle "asking yourself what kyle would do when you are the team leader but i geuss that makes pyrrhas death your fault too huh i geuss cardin did deserve a place unlike you"

i respond with "no he doesn't he is just a bully who would use the huntsman name for personal needs" jack responds with "yet you faked your way in did you not are you really better then him more skilled smarter braver are you a actual leader?" i would back up as jack started to get red eyes and dark aura coming off him "w-well i worked hard to proof myself i studied trained my grades improved i beat cardin and his team in a fight" jack responds with "but could you have beat cardin if it was not for kyle" i would remain silent jack saying "and now he is not here you gonna hope ren picks up after you now?"

i would stay silent thinking about my awnser as jack kept talking "ofcourse you have nothing to say you are just a waist off space you are the only boy in your family so many sisters your mother probaly wanted you to be a girl and if they did want a boy they got a sorry execuse like you tch such sad execuse..." i would finnaly start talking "i'm not a waist off space you are just a version of jack my concious made up and you are growing cause off my doubts and fear but i will proof myself i don't need kyle to lead me i will proof myself not for you not for my parents but for myself!"

i would then wake up the next day we pack up and head out again i would be walking behind the others a bit i got this strange gut feeling all off a sudden maybe it was because of that weird dream but that illusion off jack was right it felt like i relied on kyle a bit too much and him being around made me more at ease especialy with how strong he apperently is from what he told us but i was the leader of team jnpr i should have taken more action i would snap out of my thoughs by ruby asking "uh we supposed to go left or right?" i would go to reach the map but

ren says "right there is nothing on the left" as im about to question what he means we hear a loud roar ruby saying "that sounds like a grimm people might be in danger!" ruby would speed off i would shout "R-ruby w-wait!" it was no use she was gone i turn "re-" i would see ren on the ground heavy breathing and panicking i grunt i had to make a quick decision normally i could count on pyrrha or kyle but now it was my turn "nora stay with ren and try to ask for backup at mistral im going to help ruby" i grab my sword and shield and run after ruby as fast as i can

i would spot her fighting some creature with a decapitated horse head and stretchy arms like a sort off grimm that was riding a horse it seemed damage as i shout "ruby leave this to me just provide back up!" ruby nods and backs up to one off the damaged buildings standing on it with her sniper mode out i would charge the grimm as it would launch its arms at me but ruby shoots one and i use my shield to smack the other one away and go straight for the cut but it let me get close and kicks me in the chest with its hooves as i got a slight cut off being pushed back

it did not have enough strenght and the only person who could do this much damage was kyle as i groan "dam it the one time i wanna proof myself i already got help..." i would charge the grimm again it throwing its hands at me but i throw my shield forward and then jump onto it skating across the ground ducking avoiding the arms before jumping up and slashing off the grimms head

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