Volume 5 Good And Evil...

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Mercury Pov

i would be walking down the hallway being so dam bored we could not go anywhere cause cinder was planning stuff so me and emerald had to stay with salem and hazel along with tyrian "hmm i wonder where tyrian is he went outside to do something but he has not returned yet,..." i would then see him coming back wimping "speak of the devil what happened to you did you finnaly get the punishment you deserve you lap dog" tyrian would say "shut up that silver eyed bitch cut of my tail!" my eyes would widen "heh did not expect that girl to have the guts to do that"

tyrian would point his weapon at my neck as i say "don't try it besides if you think she is dangerous wait until you meet her friend..." i would think back to that fight i had with jack at the vytal festival something was heavily bothering me i continue to walk around the castle "if he had no semblance then how did he create flames to start melting my metal legs and how did his hands look fine afterwards and he even survived a fire dust crystal explosion that happened in his mouth yet while i should be focusing on a plan to beat him i can't wait for our next fight.."

i then hear a voice saying "you are talking about the enemy aren't you" i look to the left and see emerald standing there i do not respond and continue walking as emerald says "cinder would not apreciate if you are looking forward to playing around with the enemy" i stop and say "sure go ahead tell mommy you attention seeking child we both know you are adopted" emerald would pull out her weapon and charge at me i would easily avoid her before kicking her to the ground "you are not gonna win if you don't use your semblance talking about that it was useless when fighting jack"

emerald would say "not my fault that kyle was standing right behind me so i had to hold back" i respond with "yet it was impressive how he dealt with it most people go crazy yet he stayed calm and he has been fighting without knowing his semblance those flames were not normal i can tell you that as one fighter to another i'm just showing respect ofcourse you wouldn't know what respect is cause all you do is follow cinder around like how tyrian follows salem around i wonder what punishment he will get for losing the fight talking about that has cinder punished you yet?"

emerald got up and said "she would never punish me for that it went as planned her injuries were not my fault.." i respond with "even if it was not cinder had to push her anger onto something or rather someone what if illusions won't do it anymore the victim that would be close to her in such time is you cause im not falling victim to that bitch her anger problems now if you execuse me i got somewhere to be see ya waist of space" i walk away from emerald and go outside to sit on one of the castle walls "if only i had my semblance then maybe i could have won..."

i would lay down "maybe not something gave him the edge over me that fire was clearly had to be magic but salem only said the maidens and ozpin have magic so then how does he have it ontop of that kyle his semblance is a weird case it was shown as overdrive but he has not shown any signs of it even when the grimm invaded" i would think back to when during the chaos i saw kyle go fight grimm with no trouble there were big drifences between kyle and jack where kyle is stronger jack is more about strategy "if i want to beat both i need to improve or get my semblance back...but i am not losing next time...maybe he was so strong because he is good and i'm not what is good and evil..."

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