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"October... In the fall, U.A. High School, we're preparing for a certain event... The event, which probably happens at most schools, is..." Midoriya narrated.

"Um... We're going to have a school festival." Aizawa mentioned to his class.

"School festival!" Mineta jumped as the rest of the class cheered. raven glances at bakugo who was leaning back on his chair, trying to block out everyone's voices. 

"It's a super normal school event!" Sero exclaimed.

"Let's decide what we're gonna do!" Hagakure bounced.

"Aizawa Sensei, is this really okay? To be so carefree in these times?" Kirishima stood up.

"Kirishima... you've changed." Kaminari muttered at his friend.

"You're right. That's a very reasonable opinion." Mr. Aizawa agreed as he zipped up his sleeping bag. "However, U.A. isn't just about the hero course. If the sports festival is the big moment for the hero course, the school festival is for the others, the support course, general studies, and business course students, to shine."

He was slowly bunching up the sleeping bag around his face as he spoke.

"It doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but for them, it's an event they look forward to. And they are those who are feeling stressed by the current conditions, which, starting with the dorm system, came about because of the hero course." He explained.

"Thinking about it that way, there's no excuse for not holding it." raven spoke and kirishima nodded, slowly sitting back in his chair. 

"Yeah. That's why we can't just say we won't have it. Unlike past years, this year, other than some of the people involved, the festival will be just for the school." Mr. Aizawa explained. 

"Even if we aren't the focus, each class still has to participate with something. You need to decide that today..." Just like that, he was out like a light, curled up in the corner of the room.

"he's out cold" 

"I, Tenya Iida, Class 1-A representative, will take things from here!" Iida announced as he and Momo stood in front of the class. "I'll do my best to help things go smoothly! First, put out some options. If you have a suggestion, raise your hand!"

"Me, me, me, me!" Everyone yelled as they raised their hands.

They both looked a little intimidated by the fact that everyone, including me, raised their hands excitedly with ideas.

"Such a change to excitement. I will definitely consolidate everyone's ideas!" Iida said before pointing to someone. "Okay, Kaminari!"

"Let's do a maid café!" He suggested before going into how he envisioned it would look, just essentially every girl in the class dressed up as maids.

"Maids...So we'd be serving others! That's not bad!" Iida said with a nod.

"That's too tame, Kaminari!" Mineta yelled. "Let's do a str-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as he hit the ground, all eyes glanced over at raven who was stood behind him, lifting her hand. mineta's foot twitched. 

"Back onto suggestions!"

"A mochi shop!"

"An arm-wrestling tournament!"

"A fun house!"

"A crepe stand!"

"A dance!"

"A hero quiz!"

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