Don't forget to read between the lines.

Seduction is rape.

No seriously! Magnifico never asked any of what she did! She just took whatever she wanted and left him like this! She seduced him. She took from him like the greedy Avadoravenua she was! Nothing she does is excusable!

Thank stars she was punished. Thank stars for her curse.

The haunting is a small price to pay but it's worth it. At least she can't hurt him.

She raped him. And she got pregnant from it!

Payback.. he has it. He got it.

"Listen here son, this is a matter of death, life, and riches. The king is your master and I am his wife. You cook them for me, you will get great riches, and your niece and daughter will live. Don't do this? Then you get neither. And so that is why I ask this of you."

Sacrifice someone else's children to save your own? Amaya recognized the fear and greed in the man's eyes. Who wouldn't turn down this offer? It would be dangerous to turn downstairs her offer. Everyone loves their child.

For the the longest time, Amaya will never know what it's like feel it, you know? What is a child? What is a mother? She can't be either of these things. Even if she tried. And it's far too late for that.


It's very rare for Alfonso to be caught off guard by his father.

"Have you conceived an heir yet?" Simon asked.

Now he caught him off guard. He made a promise to King Magnifico. There was no way that Rosa could ever know anything too dangerous.

"No father." Alfonso replied looking back at the mines.

"Son, remind me why do we have sons?" Simon questioned.

As they stared at the children working, Alfonso's stomach dropped. Fathers sent their children here so..

"So they can carry on the family name." Alfonso replied.

"So our legacy doesn't dry."

Simon smacked his lips.

"Correct." He said.

"If we don't have sons, heirs! Then we don't survive."

"I was a commoner when I married the Kings Daughter. I saved her. Then the Ling granted me the Title of Duke of Sittlich."

"It was easy to save his bastard daughter."

Alfonso knew that most families sent their children because most of them are poor.

But they don't have that misfortune. They'll never have that pain. Because they are nobles and therefore they have power. Hell, they can create evidence and come out victorious in the end.

"We did baby steps. Slept in the same bed, then a kiss before bed. Then lips on lips after that. And then I could not sleep without her at my side. Then we had you." Simon recalled.

"If only she lived a little longer." Alfonso sighed.

"Heirs are important my son. Have as many children as you can if you want to live." Simon said.

He got up.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go take a nap." He yawned.


All night, Rosa had been thinking of something to give to the kind children she met. And so she took out her trusty red knits and needles and started to knit and sew.

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