Mimi the real-life black eyed child.

Dahlia didn't think she'd see this.

Safi and Bazeema were her dearest friends. To see them...


Bazeema tried to cover herself while Safi attempts to put his pants back on. He sneezes as he does.

"My two friends? Making out?" Dahlia cries out in disbelief.

"We didn't plan it this way! We were going to tell you guys! He cried out.

Bazeema squealed in shock.

"You guys are dating?" Dahlia questioned, almost yelling.

"Yes." Safi revealed, sadly.

"Safi I'm pregnant!" Bazeema cried out.

What? Dahlia stared at her half-naked friend in shock.

"What?" Safi asked...

"I'm sorry!"

What are eyes?

Your eyes are the sensory organs that allow you to see. Your eyes capture visible light from the world around you and turn it into a form your uses to create your sense of vision. Your brain doesn't have sensory abilities of its own. It needs your eyes (and other senses, like hearing and touch) to gather information about the world around you.

Most people are born with two eyes. Working together, they give you a field of view about 200 degrees wide and 135 degrees tall. When your eyes work together correctly, they give you depth perception and 3D vision. They also give you color vision.

It's also important to remember that sight and vision aren't necessarily the same thing, even though many people — including eye care specialists and healthcare professionals — use those terms interchangeably. Sight is what your eyes do. Vision is the entire process that starts with sight and ends with your brain processing what your eyes see into a form your brain can use and understand.


How do your eyes work?

Everything your eyes do starts with light from the outside world. Your eye structure lets light enter and pass through a series of clear components and sections, including the cornea, aqueous humor, lens and vitreous humor. Those structures bend and focus light, adjusting how far the light beams travel before they come into focus.

The focus needs to be precise. If it isn't, what you're looking at appears blurry. Your eye has muscles that can make subtle changes to the shape of your eye, moving the focus point so it lands correctly on the retina.

When light lands on the cells of your retinas, those cells send signals to your brain. The signals are like coded messages describing everything they can about the light. That includes the color, how intense it is and any other relevant details. Your brain decodes and processes the signals and uses them to "build" the image you see.


Rosa had come to the conclusion, that she was a monster. She was a terryfing monster. She was a monster for not realizing it sooner.


It's a simple word. But the servant told her not to say it aloud. So in her mind she is only allowed to do so.

Banshee? Why Mimi ought to have a word with these myth makers and tell them she is anything but a sexy she-devil who hunts down innocent people.

Anyways, what happened was the people in the Sittlich mansion were dying due to a plague. Naturally, Mimi's veil was stolen by a bunch of the Princess's ladies in waiting. And so she unfortunately made one of their cats die.

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