Gabo the Reliable Narrator. What about you Mr. Magnifico?

I think Rosa should see something a little more "her dad" don't you think reader?

Rosa has got it. She has got it.

All those years of Bazeema popping out of nowhere and him never seeing she is there. All those hours and hours of pure agony over hearing her screams. All those years of not seeing it... all those times of realizing the reason as to why..

She has a crush on me doesn't she?

You're a cruel one Bazeema.

He dusted off his vest and looked at the place.

"Excuse me sir?"

He turned around and there is... Mimi.

She startles him.

"Mimi.. where- did you come from?" Gabo nervously looked around his home.

She chuckled nervously.

"Hi." She sing-sang.

While she is cradling her belly, she has a watermelon on her other hand.

"Can I still pay you with fruit?" She asks.

Gabo nods slowly. He is still a tad bit freaked out by how she managed to sneak up on his so secretly.

"How is your husband?" He asks.

"He's fine. Otto always leaves me alone. I could be unfaithful and he wouldn't care." Mimi said.

"What do you think attracted a 30 year old man to a seventeen year old girl?"

Where does that come from?

He gestured to the couch and she nodded and then stiffly sat down on the sofa. She cringed in pain a little bit.

"Sorry, I'm just two months way from giving birth." She winces.

"It's fine." Gabo replies.

Rosa was a little bit spooked and actually quite happy to see her maid/friend again. She didn't know what was going on with everyone after she left.

"How do you want to start this?"

Mimi winced.

"Perhaps when I was thirteen..."

This time, Gabo winces.

"Right. About that, I am sorry." Gabo sighed.

"Don't mention it. At least you knew right from wrong."

"That is still not an excuse. I cause you a very much pain." Gabo said.

"Let's start at the beginning. The more we will think the more we will forget." Mimi cleared her throat.

Gabo nodded.


The stars... they just don't kiss ass don't they?

"Gabo, do you think I killed her?"

What do you do when your opportunistic surrogate niece damsel comes to you asking that question?

You panic. A little bit inside Gabo starts to crumble.

Your surrogate niece looks just like her Mama. But that is it. And she has some of her father's looks too.

"I do not think you killed her." Gabo says.

That's a tiny white lie. And while as true as it may feel. His gut tells him yes.

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