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Avadoravenua's hair is longer than Amaya's.

Amaya's hair is a little shorter.

Or maybe they're both the same length.

Avadoravenua's hair is black in color compared to Amaya's. It's braided in so many ways. She also wears a lot of purple.

Amaya however, loves to wear dark elegant blues. But when she was fifteen she enjoyed to wear at least some form of purple.

Avadoravenua's skin was a sweet caramel.

Amaya is somewhat vanilla bread.

Avadoravenua was seventeen.

Amaya was fourteen.

If Avadoravenua was here then she would be around 36. What role would she have? In her daughter's life off course. He could imagine she would breast feed. He'd probably take her away far away from his envious wife. He would visit her and her children. Maybe if he had sent a doctor and allowed her to be in better health. And if she had not died in childbirth..

Yes, he would leave his mistress to be in another place. He'd fabricate a story. She is missing. Mrs. Sakina and Mr. Sabino would be heartbroken to hear their family member was nowhere to be found. But perhaps they could bond in their grief.

Her friends would be devastated. Avadoravenua joined Angela and Osman in heaven! That's probably what the Kitchen boy and the maid would say. After all, they grieved their own lover's deaths so much, that's why they were what they were in that chicken coop by their friend after all.

He would visit off course. He couldn't just leave them all alone. And tarnish, tarnish, his children with the title of bastard.

Bastard. Let's talk about it for a bit. A bastard is the child of an unmarried couple. There's a reason that they are called bastards. They will never have a place in society and so maybe it would be unwise to wish for something so impossible.

And so that is why Magnifico could not bare to ever even think to allow them to go his court.

He wants to talk about his wife now. Bare with him here.

Listen, he grew up in a very troubled house.

His parents were always fighting and hitting each other. A failed marriage you know? And Magnifico had brothers and sisters he was always looking after. He taught his sisters how to look for husbands. He taught his brothers not to be like their father.

Then when he was thirteen, his father married him off to another girl from another town. Her name was Amaya de Petalia. Petalia was another town in Spain which Magnifico did not hear about until she came.

They got married within a few hours.

The worst part?

Well? He was 13. And she was... she was twelve years old...

It shouldn't have been done. They should have waited until they were older. His father should have waited until they were over the age of fourteen. But the old man did not.

They consummated their marriage at only thirteen and twelve.

Eventually, Amaya got pregnant. And the whole time he avoided his father while his child grew inside her belly.

Avadoravenua and Amaya both lost a lot of blood. Avadoravenua's legs were so tired that when she had to use the bathroom she peeded herself on the bed. She threw up.

Amaya threw up as well. She cried and she thought she was going to die from the pain.

That baby did not make it. They never knew the gender and it's buried back in his hometown still.

He made sure that his sons, his Florian, Basil, Indigo are okay.




"No it's not. When I have gave birth to my own I thought that too."

"I thought I would not make it."



Amaya needs to grab ahold of herself. When she woke up she felt faint and sweaty.

She would not have anymore children. Not like she could in the first place.

She stared outside into Rosas and started to cry. What did she do that?

Her heart was cruel. She killed her step-children. If you could even say it.

Her husband had a right to be furious with her. She committed an unspeakable sin. Something that not even the average jealous queen wife could bare to do.

Please forgive her God. 

AVADORAVENUANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ