Sometimes to understand something or someone. You have to feel bad for everything and everyone. Then you can curse them to hell.

Tw: Talk about the persecution of Islam and Jews


Those two are nothing like Romeo and Juliet. At least he loved her. But Nico said he loved his Amaya de Petalia. To lover Avadoravenua is like trying to milk a horse. And that's not even her name. Her real name.

Ever heard of another version?

"That is.."

"...sad." FG finished it for Rosa.

"But she was never really dead! He has a very stupid brain." Rosa slumps.

Didn't even check for a pulse FG has to agree on that.

"Surely there must be another version. Fairy Tales always have other versions."

She's being rational again.

"This is Literature my dear. There's only one version." FG said.

"I can't trust you anymore can I?" Rosa chuckled sadly.

"This isn't hold the world works does it?"

The world works in a lot of ways. Fairy Godmother can't exactly tell Rosa all of it because then they would be here forever. And that would be a lot years. They only got a few years to tell these stories.

"I was never able to trust you in the first place was I?" She whispered.

FG nodded.

"Nope. But you chose to see these stories so here we are. And it's too late to turn back." Fairy Godmother said.

Romeo and Juliet are awfully tragic. They will be Shakespeare's greatest masterpiece to grace the earth's surface.

Well thank goodness for they did not marry.

Marriage is a bad thing. Love is merely a word to trick girls into believing they are at fault.

If you are lucky, you can have Dahlia and Tom's marriage. Lucky enough to be friends.

Or you can have Hal and Henry's marriage.


"I can't wait until he dies."



Mr. Henry ought to die already. He caught tuberculosis and the doctors said he couldn't be fixed. So Hal was awaiting for the day he would die since well..

..he's a terrible husband.

"What?" The girl shrugged.

"You remember him! Hal, make me my supper."

"Halema, listen, you're spacing out again."

"Halema, do the laundry! Do MY laundry!"

"Halema, I'm gonna climb on top of you after you're tired from a long day in the castle,"

"..and I'm gonna climb on top of you every night, and I'm gonna-"

Hal stops the sentance. Not daring to say another word. She doesn't want to remember those times.

"Yeah." She murmurs.

"Speaking of on top-"

"I'm fine Dahlia. Trust me, I am pretty sure I would know in a moment."

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