Who is Amavendoraya?

Oh Amavendoraya!

Her sweet tender lips.

Her soft eyes.

Her lovely skin.

There is just that one flower in the garden that stands out from the rest. That one water that tastes sweet and more bitter than the rest of the bottles. That ale that is just right!




Say it with him!

He could listen to her for hours. She's such a good listener. And she's young! So she's malleable! And not too young may he add, so she's not too malleable. She has a birthmark on one of her cheeks. And her hair is braided in many ways and then braided to a single braid..


Anyways, Magnifico has wanted her to come to him again and again.

Oh Avadoravenua... imagine!

He imagines a small town. Probably sent away by her family members. Who knows, perhaps he would have married her off, who knows? And, and maybe if she wasn't so lucky as to do that.. then she would have had to resort to other methods if you know what he means.

Prostitution that's the word. Maybe there were more out-of-wedlock mothers who also needed this sort of method. Who also needed to maintain their children.

Who knows maybe the children would grow up to be murders maybe?

Back to his pearl one, this time, he'll make sure this time she will never die.


Amaya knows that nothing can account for her sin. Yes, she cooked three boys in blood.

How cruel can she be? How envious? Because she was threatened by a seventeen year old girl? Because that same girl gave what she could not give to her husband in one pregnancy?

An heir and a spare?

Amaya recalls, being a bastard is a curse. Do you know why?

"Boy's game is weak."

"She tarnished her purity."

"Do not wear blue and orange. You're not an inexperienced whore."

Mimi was a bastard and so was her mistress. Two peas in a pod. In fact, for a moment she's sure that Rosa does not understand the difference between mistress and maid.

And Amaya can't see either.

Mimi was just a girl that happened to be accepted as a maid. And as far as her daughter was concerned black also happened to be an eye color. Not like she could see anyone else with such a rare beauty.

She's using the word beauty very lightly here. Because.. it's a curse her own parents forced on her. Let's all face it.

Just because she will be accepted in Hell with open arms does not mean she cannot start and attempt to make up for her sins.


What's tragic is how much of a child he is stuck in an old man's body.

He hates these men. Stuffy old merchants. Well except this Tom guy. He asked that his niece, who despite is a girl and illegitimate, take over his position. Now that's an honorable man.

"Stop this instance! You are 88 years old, don't act like a child!"

Child? Maybe because he's a thirteen year old boy stuck in an old man's body?

He means, he never got to experience what a normal thirteen year old should. What a kid was. What it meant to be a boy. A man the moment he hit puberty.

He growled.


Juanita is acting weird.

Long ago, she seemed less troubled. Less-

Amaya was going to where she never expected she would go. To where her step-children were. No not in their mother's grave. But rather where they were developed in the nine months they were in her belly.

When she enters.. it is clean.. it is clean.

Sorry, she needs to catch her breath for a moment and realize just how clean this place is. The servants outdid themselves this time.

There is no Venua. The girl is just a girl. And Amaya is now starting to forgive and became a bright white light with a motherly voice.

"Sorry your majesty but, it's.."

Amaya looked at the girl. Her face felt whiter.

"His majesty does not allow us here. At least when it became clean eighteen years ago." Juanita said.

Amaya looked around. She had expected a corpse. She had expected the girl that her husband-

She coughed violently. Oh, she's been coughing violently for a long time now.

"Your Majesty, why exactly are you here?"

"Juanita- if anything happened with my husband and his lover you must tell me." Amaya desperately questioned.

"Your majesty-"


"What happened?"

"A few servants happened to see this. Not everyone knows and if anyone ever saw that the King knew about he would-"

"I will take my chances."

"Alright then your majesty."

"He liked to rape her in this room."

Amaya started to cough violently once again. Her throat seemed to be latching onto an invisible sickness. She stared at the girl with crazy eyes.


"Yes, I'm sorry your majesty."

"N- no!"

She knew that Magnifico was- so much. But she did not know he would be this.


Huh? Where'd she go?

Magnifico has yet to see his beloved Amavendoraya's face. Her tender eyes and sweet lips he could kiss that mouth for hours on end.

But Amavendoraya is not here for some reason.

He questions which one did it.

Did Avadora do this?

Did Amaya do this?


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