Chastise me all you want but I think Magnifico just told the truth for the first time ever? :

In his heart a piece was stolen. His age and his second heart. Let him explain.

Seventeen was his prime. He and Amaya were growing closer and closer and their hearts were slowly mending into one. A child wasn't a worry. Nothing was worrying. They could not have a home and a stable state and it wouldn't matter.

It was their combined hearts that mattered.




He confesses right now. He raped Avadoravenua. He took lover of her body while she was in a state. He lied and and and she was in between a state. One where one must promise as one does. One where one must sing a villian song and one where they must survive in a fallen stardom.

She was in such a situation that maybe her infidelity was excusable. At least to the eye.

He kept her in a room because he was scared to the sky. She was pregnant and he was a horrified husband.

He was holding her captive back then so it was already said and done.

One day, a beautiful light struck in the sky when in when. This sent everyone in a frenzy over. Everyone was in awe of appaently his magic. But it was not him who did the beautiful majestic wonders of the sky.

It was in this time.. that Ava was in her room. What's his plan there? And..

She did it! SHE did not like being in his grasp and she knew it. She wanted a way to get out of his charms and so she summoned a star from the sky to help her.

Is he not charming or kind enough? She would be killed had Amaya caught sight of her outside. He was trying to keep her away otherwise she would've been dead.

"Why and how in the world did you manage to grab a star from the sky?" Magnifico asks tired.

Venua cries out and ends up looking away from him.

"I did not."

She refuses to stare at the closet and look inside. Lavish, rich and tan. All of those dresses do not suit the lonely daisy girl she is. All of them will NEVER suit who she truly is inside. She's not a queen. Queen Asha does not sound like a good name. Too fanfictiony. She is a prisioner. She is a prisioner branded as a whore trapped inside of a prison of jealousy. And all they say is not true and will never be true.

"Will you kill me?" Venua asks.

They pull the innocent off her face. Off of all her body and soul.

"I don't know," she answers honestly. "I didn't capture it. I sang and it came to me."

He lounges on the sole chair in her room, next to a plate of food toppling with fruits sitting on the dresser, and palms his staff. His cheek rests on the back of his hand as he studies her like she did an animal for one of her notebook sketches.

"If SOMEONE comes after me. Then what will I do?" She asked.

"I want to know if you caught the star.

"I did not." She said.

"Yes you did."

"If someone comes I know what to say."

"Will you take these luxuries away please?"

"You are not even hot?"

Ana she marks his absence with her hair clumps. All of which fall due to stress and pregnatal terror.

AVADORAVENUAWhere stories live. Discover now