What if she goes out and gives Fairy Godmother the best gold in all the land? What will she do then?

War is crying right now. She's very sad and she wants out. The fresh green fields are plastered with blood all over.

She can't watch.






He just runs! Is that all he is? A coward who can't help his friend in need. Even when The King is trying to rape her?

He's an idiot!

War is starting to take an even bigger toll on everyone. Just apart from everything. There is just one thing that keeps these soldiers from dying.

And it's the whores.

Oh yeah baby.

Rosa watched as men merrily ran around and danced jovially. But what struck her from all of them. Was this Sweden blonde honey?

Rosy-cheeked and wiggly-eared friend. However, the woman is dressed rather downey with plain white trusses. Rosy cheeks and what Rosa can only say is an adventurous filled belly.

"After all these years. You haven't changed a tad." She cheerfully said.

"Flora, you are still the same as before." Dario smiles.

"And you are still as before. You know, before we separated." She grinned widely.

He continued to trail small kisses down her neck all the way until-

"Come on!"

What Rosa saw.. can only be described as two bees. One day, a servant named Minnie came to her. She told: Come with me child. And so Rosa went with her.

When they arrived to where they needed to go. On the windowsill was two bees. They saw things that Rosa couldn't see. Because she was a pink rose.

"See for yourself child? They are going to have a baby." The servant says.

So... is this passionate love that Rosa is seeing? Her eyes cannot lie to her. Otherwise, her heart will be moee broken than ever before.

"You know this could never be."

"Why not?"

"Hello? I'm a whore."

Rosa sees that Flora is a whore. Is that her job? To be a whore?

"But can't you quit your job? The church allows that now."

"And then what do I do?" Marry you?"



"Yes, exactly that."

"But... my boss won't let me. He's threatened me before he will do it again."

"Well then..."

"We'll just have to get your freedom ourselves."

"I like this idea."

He winks.

"Let's go."

Rosa is gonna do her best to try and explain what has happened. Actions speak louder than words.

"We'll burn in hell." Dario quietly laughs.

"At least together." Flora agrees.

The Boss is the Handler of Whores. He goes with them when they entertain the soldiers who are in desperate need of some company. Right now he is sleeping.

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