2. Shades of Colour

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Apartment 107 was on the second floor

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Apartment 107 was on the second floor. Moving out of the university accommodation and settling into an apartment of your own— despite only just ending your first year, was a struggle to say the least. Life outside of school walls was much different compared to the city streets.

Your parents, as supportive as they were with your choice of studying art and design, weren't exactly pleased with you withdrawing from an accommodation they had mercilessly slaved away to help you pay for — they refused to provide you funds for a new apartment. You didn't tell them why you wanted to leave, just that an accom was not 'the right fit for you,' you were thankful you didn't have the entire conversation with them face to face; you couldn't stand looking at your mothers disappointed eyes.

She would purse her lips, shake her head with an exasperated sigh, breathing fire against your skin. Her disdain felt worse than daggers your father would shoot you. He'd tell you to get it together. To grow up. That you're an adult now. Your mother? She would tell you how she thought you were doing okay. How she assumed you had it all figured out. She would make it her fault for believing in you and your fault for tricking her into doing so. It brought you to tears everytime without fail.

Living on campus was far too much for you, too much familiarity. Depsite your parents words it didn't make you feel independent enough. That you may as well have had the dean as your parent instead, so you decided to leave.

Considering your parents refused to fund you, Jungkook relayed to you every day that you could live with him, and every day you would refuse. Not that you didn't want to, it would be a dream. But your work makes you bitter. Tough to live with. The last thing you wanted to do was withdraw yourself from your best friend, have him resent you, make coming home to you a chore.

He suspected as much and did his absolute best to reassure you that wouldn't be the case. 'You could never push me away like that, T.' he would tell you, his eyes crinkling at the corners — Tiger had become a new nickname for you at that time, part of him feeling that tattoo was a symbol: a part of you would always live with him even if you refused. In his skin, his veins, his blood.

You were stubborn, and as much as he loved that about you, your independence, it frustrated him how you were against asking for help. 'I can get the money alone, don't worry about me, J.' In reality you were scared shitless.

You couldn't really go along thinking he was going to sit back and let you survive this alone, really? Jungkook had gone home that same day, circling apartments, calling nearly everybody he knows. Thankfully Taehyung, your mutual friend, (who was more Jungkook's pal than yours) gave him the contact of a real estate agent that his father, the chief of police, became close friends with.

The intriguing thing about Jungkook, he always finds a way. He always has immediate connections even if they dont belong directly to him. There's very little he wouldn't do for you.

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