18. A Decree From The Stars

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Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck;
And yet methinks I have Astronomy.

— William Shakespeare

— William Shakespeare

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"'Fess up, gremlin." Jia coming up behind you whilst you sort out ink cartridges makes you jump. Been a whole two days since you got home, safe to say you're much more refreshed. Looking over your shoulder to see the woman with her hands on her hips, you smile dimly. Some things are off limits, but you will fill her in on the bitch Iseul is.

"Gremlin? That's fighting talk, Jiji." You lift a box of red ink, placing it by the nozzles, where it should be. She chuckles, coming over to hug you. Her perfume dazes you, and she flashes her pearly whites in a dazzling smile as she speaks again. "So~" She sings, "You wanna tell me what happened at the exorcism?" She asks sweetly, and you cackle, elbowing her arm in laughter.

"Exorcism?" The smile on your face remains as she shrugs. "Call it what you want, wasn't a wedding as far as I'm concerned." Few phone calls and work-break gossips have certainly turnt Jia sour, she scowls the same as you at the thought of the bride, bitter as ever.

"Well," You turn around, leaning against the desk, "Iseul may look different now, but sh—"
"She's still the same old bitch? Yeah, I figured. What'd she say?" Jia takes it upon herself to sit in your swivelly seat, bored with her own shift.

"She was so condescending, y'know? Like, she was acting as if J was still wrapped around her fucking finger. Pissed me off." You fold your arms as you talk, shaking your head at the memory. You think about how she looked down at you, or at least tried to. She gained little height on you, thanks to the heels, yet still you remained the bigger person; simply because you didn't beat her ass.

Not that you were one for conflict, or confrontation, but you would give anything to wipe that nasty smirk off her smitten face for once. It wasn't your place to do so before, considering your position in her and Jungkooks' life, but now it's a whole different ball game. Playing grounds are completely different, you were spectating the game from the bench; now you've been called up to play.

"You're better than me." Jias' expression twists distastefully as she imagines herself in your shoes,
"Would've Glasgow Kissed her first chance I got."

Now that would be entertaining, Jia squaring up to Iseul, even though she's shorter than you, and fully head-butting her square in the nose. You have no doubt that she could do it, too.

"What about you and motorcycle man?"
"What about him?"

Jia gives you a look that says, 'really', and sighs to herself. "Do I really need to spell it out for you?"

"Nothing happened, Ji. Apart from us both getting absolutely wasted."

Jia blows raspberries, giving you a thumbs down with a pout. "Boo, you suck." In her mind she's watching you two like a sitcom, popcorn in hand and feet up on the pouffe.

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