20. Dreams *Come* True

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Abiding by the rules your whole life has become tedious and a bore

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Abiding by the rules your whole life has become tedious and a bore. Through the years, rebellion became a thrill for you, as you navigate the intricate labyrinth of your mind, grappling with the psychological turmoil of obedience. Perhaps this internal struggle you face mirrors the conflict between chaos and order, each vying for dominance within the confines of your psyche.

Rules meaning to be broken dwells on self-regulation, it highlights the intricate interplay between cognitive control and emotional impulses.

Like a conductor orchestrating a symphony, the prefrontal cortex seeks to impose order and structure, while the limbic system, the seat of emotions, yearns for spontaneity and indulgence. Or whatever science says. Maybe you're just not a follower anymore.

You indulge in disobedience, even if it's you who set the boundaries; funny how it's akin to a tug-of-war between you, the disciplined gardener, meticulously tending to the rows of orderly blooms, and the wild child, drawn to the untamed wilderness where rules are mere suggestions. More often that not, you find yourself oscillating between these polarities, torn between the comfort of routine and the allure of rebellion. So lying awake after the day you crossed boundaries, broke rules, you wondered what lay in store for you and for Jungkook.

The trip home was as it always was, nothing particularly different except for the electrical buzz in the air, the slight excitement you feel; because you'll get to explore something you never have before. Jungkook told you to sleep well, to be up and ready tomorrow. Gave you some normality, despite his tugging at your arm and tongue in your mouth when you turned to leave, insisting that those lips of yours will kill him.

In his own room, he ran his fingers over his lips, and in his mind you're still there with him. Doesn't think too hard, because he'll get hard; doesn't want his own hand on his dick because he wants yours. Selfishness in desperation taking its toll once again. Additionally, he can't believe you didn't even forget the kiss in the first place, little minx. The torture you practically forced him through was of otherworldly brutality, but you made up for it by tracing the curve of his jaw with your lips.

He decided not to stay when he took you home, too much heat for one day. Left you to think about things as well, he knows how unsure you can get, but he doesn't know for the first time this is something you've never been so fucking sure about. You couldn't help screaming into your hands once you were alone with your thoughts, thinking about what happened between you, almost getting caught as well. It's all so new.

"Get up." You're greeted by Jungkook mercilessly crushing you with his body, again. This isn't what you meant when you thought about being under him. "Up, up, up. C'mon, I'll fart on you."

Your eyes snap open and you let out a forced groan, struggling to move your legs, "Do it and I'm burping in your mouth."

He shrugs on top of you, "Yummy, do it."

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