6. Empty Glasses

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The warm finish of sweet Jinro Peach Soju is quick to coat your body like a blanket, the heat pools down your throat, down to your toes

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The warm finish of sweet Jinro Peach Soju is quick to coat your body like a blanket, the heat pools down your throat, down to your toes. You cling to Jungkooks' side, you're both two bottles and three shots in, you haven't even gotten to the club yet.

A warm summer breeze kisses your skin under the cover of darkness, you two figured you could walk to the Triptych Lounge, letting the alcohol take charge. Besides, it gives you a chance to warm up to the idea of mindlessly grooving your body for a couple of hours with complete strangers.

You two aren't the only ones making your way downtown, there are speckles of other friend groups, couples and all. Groups of girls having a good night out, celebrating girlhood; a cluster of guys, some looking to get lucky, or just have a good time with the boys. You all make your journey to get fucked for the night.

"I just let her take the last one," Jungkook recalls his journey back from outside of the city. He had stopped at a local corner shop to buy some Shin Ramen, when a rather ungrateful customer had snatched up the last one just as he had reached for it.

"See me.. personally," You begin, leaning into him as you both walk as usual, "I would not. Have. That." You roll your eyes and tsk.

"Stop," He laughs, "She prob'ly needed it more than me." So selfless. Pursing your lips, you bring the bottle to your mouth once more, taking a large gulp. Warmth.

"You're a better man than I am" You loop your arm around his and he looks at you as if to say 'Erm, what?'

"You're not a man at all, T" You snicker, thankful you weren't halfway through a quick sip.

"Yeah you're lucky I'm not," The leather of his racer jacket clings to your arms, "Would've stolen all the bitches from you."

Your loose lips are dangerous, calling the girls that fiend for him 'bitches' isn't exactly something you would do if you hadn't had a good drink. Suggesting he's a complete babe magnet isn't something you'd do either. You're being brave. Confident. Exactly what he wants.

"All the bitches, wow." He repeats your words, less tipsy than you, yet his eyes are hazed, "Thank god you're a pretty girl, I don't like competition." Dangerous. You jab your elbow into his side a little, and he laughs.

"Drink up, we're nearly there." He eyes you, your second bottle half full. Your alcohol tolerance could never be as strong as Jungkooks, although you're not exactly a lightweight, he just has better control over what he can take.

Body close to yours, Jungkook has his hand in his jacket pocket whilst your arm is interlinked with his, the action pulls you closer. Taking a swig of his dancing juice with his free hand, he narrows his eyes at the empty bottle and begins to bleat about running out of 'fuel'. You hadn't finished your smooth jinro, so out of kindness, you offer your drink to his pink lips.

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