3. A Proposition

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The night ended exactly how you expected

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The night ended exactly how you expected.

Jungkook had whooped your ass over two rounds of Mario Kart. You're just as competitive as him, and eight races in, you were starting to become restless. 'This shit is rigged' you would huff several times, sitting on your knees, posture awfully positioned towards the screen. You had faith in your little Cat Peach. She winks and blows fruitful kisses towards the screen, only to later get absolutely obliterated by a red shell. You practically roar a stream of every curse word you know at your controller and Jungkook's laugh pinches your sides.

"This isn't fair! I quit, I swear to god I quit, I'm just a girl, fuck you, fucking.. fuck."

At this point Jungkook holds his sides, doubling over as his laugh gets higher and higher. "I'm just sick at crushing turts. Perchance." He says matter-of-factly and you hate that you giggle at his reference.
"You can't just say perchance." You deadpan. His muscles strain and he continues to laugh even as you push him over. Even as you straddle his lap. Flick his forehead. Slap his arms. Pretend to cry into your hands.

You let out a muffled scream into his shoulder as he coos in the most condescending manner, lifting his hand to the back of your head and hugging you into his chest. You love his chest. It's warm. It's safe. Squishy. This was your evil plan all along. The evil voice in your head turns green, puts on a black hat, sits on a floating broom and giggles.

If anyone had walked in on you two, something else would've easily been insinuated, but you two aren't like that. He's your other half, sure, but your heart doesn't beat for him. He pats your back before telling you to 'get the fuck off' him, you curse him again and you're met with his stupid boyish grin, his dimples winking at you.

He's quick to choose the next game, and once you see what it is, it takes everything in you not to groan and fall to the ground.

"Why the fuck would you choose Pico Park? Seriously?"

Pico Park. A multiplayer action-puzzle game, where the rules are simple. Get all the keys, get to the goal and clear the level. However this game thrives on dependency. Every man is not for themselves. You are for each other. Both of you must work together as a team to complete the game, considering both of you are as tough as nails, it's not hard to imagine how the game goes.

"Ok move to the left."
"I don't want to be on top you get on top."

"Jump. JUMP NOW"

"Oh my god you suck at this"

"What the fuck unlock the door we don't have all day"
"Give me the key"
"I already have the key why do you want it?"

"Oh my god, come back, I can't get to the door without you, what the fuck, come back."

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