7. Here Comes The Ex

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When Jungkook first laid eyes on Iseul, she had 'forever' scribbled all over her face in bright red marker

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When Jungkook first laid eyes on Iseul, she had 'forever' scribbled all over her face in bright red marker. He had dreams of eternal love floating behind his half baked eyes, he was smitten.

Cupid was cruel. Shooting him right between his eyes, had him sinking to his knees with his beating heart in his trembling hands.

They had become acquainted at an infamous photography exhibition. Bewitched by her, he was allured. Drunken with the feeling of her.

He ignored every photograph he came across, believing that he's already been mesmerised by the crème de la crème of masterpieces, if anything it was a disgrace to pay attention to anything that wasn't her. Jungkook had fallen first, yet Iseul fell harder.

She had seen him around campus before, she found it interesting how quickly he had grabbed her attention. Unlike her. And when she found out he was confirmed eye candy for the other girls too? Oh, she just had to have him. She was like a kid, he was the shiny new toy. Show him off to everyone. Let them know they can't have him, because he's hers.

Courage being her strong suit, her presence alone seduced him, but just to seal the deal, she had asked him an hour in to the exhibition if he wanted to grab a bite when they were done. Wanted to prove to him she isn't like the others, that even though they share common interests, there's a ruggedness to her. An edge. And of course, he obliged.

They turned their affairs into a habit. More often than not, they would skip class just to enjoy each others' company. 'You win some you lose some.' Is what he'd tell his friends when they asked why skipping class with her of all people is worth it.

Sometimes he would choose the location, and she would decide where to eat. Planetarium, then Jajangmyeon. Van Gogh exhibition, then Bibimbap, his favourite because she would immediately give him her fried egg. Simplicity was at its peak when they were together. Puzzles, that's how perfect he thought they were. Little did he know he was only cutting off parts of himself that didn't fit into her idealistic little life.

He had overheard a conversation with one of her friends, how she hated facial piercings on men.

"If we're kissing, I don't wanna feel a piece of metal poking me." She laughed.

So, Jungkook took out his snake bite and let it close.

Iseul would tell him to jump and Jungkook would leap into the air as high as he could. Always gave her his best. Carving out his imperfections so she could have only the best, a trophy. With Jungkook trapped inside his own mind, Iseul provided no aid to his paranoia. He feared he bored her, that he wouldn't be able satisfy her how he wants to, how she needs to be. Then he would admire the hickeys running along his collarbone and forget everything.

He devoted all of his being to her, pondered about their future. Their marriage, their kids, growing old. She always told him she wasn't ready for children. To be a mother. In reality, she just wasn't ready for that future with him. He was. More than ready, adored her. Adored her chestnut brown hair, how she refused to let her bangs grow out because it's her 'trademark', her dimples just below her eyes, the way her lips would stretch into a supple smile whenever he teased her about stupid things, and the way she kissed his sweet lips, like he was the only man in the world.

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