19. Closing The Distance

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Fingers deftly working at the tattoo gun, you switch out the needles, setting it to a thinner one as you practice your work on fake skin

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Fingers deftly working at the tattoo gun, you switch out the needles, setting it to a thinner one as you practice your work on fake skin. Headphones helping you drown out the rest of the world, along with the monotonous buzzing, you hum the melody to No Scrubs.

You're busy inking your own design, something you usually do at home, but you figure you can just clean the ink off as soon as you're finished; you take baby steps in this journey, although your self-esteem rises by small percentages every day, you're still hesitant with taking a final leap. You still have a little paddle, no need to throw yourself into the deep end so soon. So soon, as if it hasn't been weeks since this deal came about.

The design being a koi fish, you're reminded of the tattoo on Jungkooks arm; one you did nearly two months ago, now. Back when he first came to see you after going AWOL and scaring the living shit out of you.

Not to toot your own horn, but you would love to get this tatted on yourself, probably on your thigh, or match with Jungkook and get it on your arm. Even though you're a tattoo artist, it's ironic how you've no ink on your own body. You're too busy tending to everybody else, you almost forget what you actually want, it gets like that with you.

Honestly, what you want right now is Jungkook to come and annoy you out of your mind. Smacking your lips to the beat, your fingers are almost automatic; working at the synthetic silicone skin on its' own, tracing lines and shading corners of the koi's tail, as if your body's on autopilot. Makes you miss Kora Koi a little bit, too. Can't believe Jungkook took you to a Japanese garden, still.

You remember going home to yours that night, only to be awoken by flashes on designs and details that would not stop blaring until you drew them at your desk, half asleep, yet living vicariously through your art pieces.

Again, you remember your tummy being full of burger and your heart full of gratitude as Jungkook took you to his, first. Vanilla fumes kissing your nose as soon as you stepped foot in the door, he asked if you wanted to nap or watch TV. Tired as you were, you chose the television, knowing that you could fall asleep on the sofa right beside him, instead of feeling alone in his bed. It was all quiet and sweet, really.

Made you peach tea, that you only had half of because midway through one of the soaps his sisters forced him to watch, you were completely out of it, snoozing on his lap. He paid no mind, knew you would knock out as soon as your head hit his thighs, so, with his fingers massaging your scalp, he continued his episodes until he fell asleep too.

You could've stayed the night — like he secretly wanted you to, but with work in the morning, you passed on that one, save the slumber parties for the weekends.

As usual, he woke you up with soft pokes to your puffy cheeks, nudging you awake after the theme music of the next episode disturbed his own slumber. He smiled at the way you furrowed your brows and turned away from him, muttering for him to leave you alone because you're just so tired. Not once did he let up, cooing your name until you peeked through your lids at his beaming face. He was just as sleepy as you, hair tousled from his hand and yawns slipping past his pillowed lips. You poked his face in return as you stretched, asking to see how he likes it since he does it to you — all the time.

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