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Jungkook wants to make you feel good more than anything. Endless desires to please people makes him feel like he owes you this, that it's his duty to hand you his rose tinted glasses, face you towards the mirror. Show you that you're a blushing bouquet of blossoming pink carnations, with each touch — you leave petals in your wake; he selfishly steals them in hopes to add them to his own withering garland.

In your minds eye, the creeping insecurities hold their muddy fingers over a running projector, thick, seething, black ink gets in your eyes. Makes them water. Stings like smoke. A fire of uncertainty burns so bright, it lines your skin, becomes so hazy it brims your waterline, streams down your pretty cheeks. The projector still runs, playing a movie that never climaxes. So much potential to be great. But you never allow the plot to increase further than the first scene.

See, in Jungkooks glistening eyes, you're a walking poem. A symphony, a sonnet. How could you be a poem, when you're written with the most illegible handwriting? Scratches and tears in the pages? A symphony, yet none of the instruments are tuned correctly, the conductor doesn't know what to do. A sonnet, yet you only have ten lines, five syllables per line. I am not perfect. Despite all of this, Jungkook still listens, still reads, folds you up neatly and places you in his beating pocket. Keeps you safe. Close to him.

Part of you wonders how this 'deal', operation confident-tee — a stupid play on your nickname might you add, is going to work. To him it's fairly simple. Boy math you don't understand. You remember his words as you go on your typical boba run before your Friday shift. "Making you feel good. Worthy." Worthy of what? Making you feel like your art belongs in the Louvrè, obviously, what else? How is he going to achieve that? You don't exactly know, in his head the puzzle pieces fit perfectly.

"To me it sounds like he's just treating you more than a friend." Jias hair is out in a fro today, she twiddles her pen between her thumb and forefinger as you both sit together in the staff room. One thing you're glad about is that you both share breaks on Fridays and Wednesdays. On other days, you two only have time for a five minute catch up before your boss urges you back to work.

"Not this again," Her insistence that you and Jungkook have something more digs into your side, it's a thorn. "How many times do I have to tell you, Ji? I feel like a broken record."
"You tell lies, babe, I've seen this movie before."
"Jia, babe, this isn't a movie." You grab her hand, condescension dripping from your words, "If it was, it'd be a fucking horror movie, trust me." Even if you and Jungkook were to get together, it'd only end in tears and flames. The thought makes you grimace, you don't want to think about it.

"So let me get this straight," Jia pulls her hands away to prop her elbows up on the table, fingers clasped together, all proper-like. "He wants to compliment you, take you out places, which if I'm not mistaken sounds like you're just going on dates, get you out of your comfort zone all to make you more confident?"
You're aware of how it sounds.
"He's fucking crazy, I know."

Devotion In Ink - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now