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Omer finished signing important documents just in time for his meeting with investors. He was having a difficult time pushing through the day because he was having frequent headaches,  followed by thoughts of Kivilcim. 

Omer relaxed into his office chair and closed his eye. Rubbing his forehead, 'She looked so beautiful today', he thought. All I want to do is touch her, caress her, and pull her in for a hug. I miss her so much. I have never felt this lonely. Did I do the right thing? I don't know anymore. 

Omer thought to the night before. 


Bekir came back after years and told him how he made a big mistake. His brother has changed a lot. He felt colder. Of course, they don't know each other any more. They both have changed. He once took advice from him, but he is at a dead end on this one. 

"you think everyone will feel bad and pity you? You'll just drop dead. No one will pity you. Not your son, not your brother, not even your wife. She will resent you and your love. Tell her the truth while it isn't too late. While she still loves you..."

"What is that supposed to mean? 'while she still loves you.' I have never questioned Kivilcim's love. I know her like I know myself."

"Yes, but YOU broke your heart. Thanks to you, she is in this position. How well do you know this guy?" he pointed at the TV. "Your friend, Ertugrul, is taking advantage of the situation here. Kivilcim is vulnerable. You broke her heart, and he will heal hers. First comes the deep conversations, then the compliments, then the gifts, and, finally, the sweet and lovely comments. Next thing you know, you'll find them in bed together. I mean, isn't that what happed here?"

Omer evidently got angrier and angrier. "You come back after all these years and you say this? How do you know what happened between us. You don't know anything, stay out of it. That's enough!"

"Tell her the truth."

Omer rolled his eyes and let out a huge sigh.


Omer heard a ringing in his ears followed by a sharp pain in his temples. He almost didn't hear Metehan calling out his name. 

"Dad? Dad? Can you hear me?" Metehan waved his hands

"Yes, sorry, son. I just have a migraine, it'll go away."

"Can I get you medicine? You've been having a lot of migraines lately, is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes. I am just tired and stressed because of work. No big deal." Omer gave a nervous smile.

"Ok... Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead, son"

"When you told me about your relationship with Kivilcim, I would always see you together. You didn't spend a second without each other. How come I haven't met your new girlfriend? Will we have dinner together, you know, so I can give you my approval. She is no Kivilcim Abla, I am sure, but you know."

No one can compare to Kivilcim.

"Your approval is appreciated, but the thing is Metehan... Gonca and I... We broke up. We are still friends, but we aren't together anymore.'

"You broke up? Already?" Metehan scoffed. "All of this... You broke up a great relationship with Kivilcim Abla just to get into a new relationship and ended up messing that one up too?"

"Metehan, talk properly. I am your dad."

"Yes, DAD, but what was the point of all of this? Was it worth it? Kivilcim abla loves you. Why did you do this to her. She still thinks about you and you broke her heart."

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