Need to Breathe

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I was going to wait until after the new episode  to update, but I had time! Hope you all enjoy!

Kivilcim's biggest fear seemed to have come true. She set the cup down on the table, her eyes scanning his face in sadness. "It's me. Kivilcim. You really don't remember me?"

He looked at her in confusion, scanning her face like he was studying every part of her. Looking for some sort of connection.

Her hairs stood on end, a shiver raced down her spine and a lump came to her throat.  A single tear streamed down her cheeks.

"Kivilcim, is it? Come closer..."

With a sense of unease, she did. She held her breath, fearing that if she let go she'll fall apart.

"Kivilcim... how could I ever forget you?"

She let out the breath that she was holding for so long. Pushing his arm and smiling.

"Ouch" he joked.

"Even in a situation like this, you have time for jokes....You scared everyone, Omer bey."

Omer laughed when she called him "Omer bey." He knew she was lightening the mood.

A few moments went by and Omer broke the silence, "Metehan... how is he doing? Is he doing okay? I didn't ever want him to see me like this." He tried to move himself to get comfortable on the bed and she helped.

"Ma'am, we really have to go, so we can monitor the patient." The nurse said. After everything that happened, she totally forgot visiting hours had ended.

"Ok, ok. I am going." Kivilcim got up and looked back at Omer. "So that means goodbye for now. If you need anything, we will be here. Metehan has been very worried about you, he hasn't left your side for even a moment."

"Thank you, Kivilcim. Please tell him I love him and not to worry. and Kivilcim, I would appreciate if we could talk when I get home. It's very important."

"Ok, Omer."


Kivilcim made her way down to the waiting room where everyone was waiting impatient. Smiling from happiness, she announced that Omer had woken up and he seems to remember everything. The mood had instantly changed.

"Oh thank God! Our prayers have been answered." Lemen said and started to recite her prayers in her head.

"Baba we need to sacrifice a goat when we get home." Nilay said.

"Of course!"

Cimen went up to her Mom and hugged her. "I am glad he's okay."

Kivilcim went up to Metehan and grabbed both sides of his face. "You were the first person your dad asked about. He is worried about you and can't wait to see you."

"Even in this state he is worried about me. I wish I could see him right now."

After a few hours, everyone slowly started to head home. Abdullah bey stayed behind telling Kivilcim to go home as well.

"Kivilcim hanim, I think it would be best if you went home tonight as well. As you know Omer is fine now. I am here if anything changes, God forbid. Go home and get some rest, you have been here for awhile."

"Yes, you're right. Good Night. Come Cimen."


One week later

The past few days since Omer got out of the hospital were hectic for Kivilcim. With her show picking up in popularity and the ratings rising, the channel demanded more from her. For this reason, Kivilcim has been working longer hours and speaking to many guests, while also researching new topics to speak about. While she was curious what Omer wanted to speak to her about, she genuinely didn't have the time or energy.

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