Waiting Game

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Abdullah bey, Metehan, Fatih, and Mustafa had all been waiting 6 hours in the waiting room before they let the women know. They didn't want to tire them from waiting, especially with two infants in the house.

The Unal women came rushing in in tears, demanding updates. "How is Omer?" Cried Nursema, "is he okay? What happened?"

Pembe couldn't even look Abdullah in the eyes. She was angry, sad, and felt cheated. Spending more than half of her life with him, taking care of their children, cooking and cleaning to keep their family order in line felt meaningless. What hasn't she done for him Staying felt meaningless when he ruined all of that for a younger woman.

Abdullah began to speak, "the doctor said a balloon formed in his brain after his car accident. in an area that is difficult to operate on...

Kivilcim walked in with red, watery eyes. It was evident she had been crying on the way. She went up to her daughter, hugging her.

"uhhh... we don't know how much longer to wait. No one has come to give us news, but I guess no news is good news. The doctors also say the chance of survival is very low, 10%"

Just as he explained the odds, metehan slid down the wall, hugging his knees and started to sob.

Tears began to roll down everyone's cheeks. Kivilcim kneeled down to metehan and hugged him. "Metehan, don't cry. It's going to be okay, my son." She wiped his tears and brought his face to her chest.

"Kivilcim abla, the situation is not good. What if something happens to my dad?? I already lost one day, I can't lose my other dad. He fainted right in front of me." He put out his hands in front of his face as if he was holding something. His hands trembling and tears streaming down his cheeks. "I held him in my arms, it was as if he was lifeless.

kivilcim looked away to her other shoulder, crying. As she began to speak to metehan, she wiped her tears. "Metehan, your father loves you and he's strong. He will be fine."

"What if he isn't? You know they made me sign papers about his death?"

Kivilcim's heart dropped when she heard that. Her hands squeezing her forehead while they were shaking. She couldn't think of losing him.

"Mom, are you okay? Mom."

"I am fine. I am fine, can you get me water please."

Fatih: "I'll grab it, you stay here Doga."

Doga: ok, thanks.

Four hours later

As minutes turned to hours, a doctor came in and everyone's attention was geared towards him. He was clearly tired with his eye bags sunken in from standing for over 10 hours. "Family of Omer Unal? As you know, the surgery was extremely difficult. The exact site was also difficult to reach, but were able to contain it. It has been cleared."

Kivilcim moved her hands to her belly, letting out a long sigh.

Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief, embracing each other in hugs.

"Thank God."

"Ahem..." the doctor cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention."

"Were there any complications, doctor bey?"

"I wanted to inform you that Omer bey's heart did stop during surgery but we were able to resuscitate him. He is stable now. Once he wakes up... if he wakes up... we have to be ready for any cognitive or neurological issues. It will be a waiting game now. There is a possibility he may have memory loss, paralysis, vision loss or motor issues."

KIVMER | All for LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora