First Night

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"This is it! We're finally here. Together. In our home." Kivilcim looked into Omers' eyes as he wrapped his arms around her and she had her hands around his neck.

"I have been waiting for this moment for so long. I don't ever want to spend another night without you. I told you I'd make you the woman of my house and I did."

"You did. Twice." Kivilcim laughed. "Omer... it's crazy how everything turned out. If you had told me we would be here together with a baby coming last year I wouldn't have believed you. I would have said you're crazy."

"Are you happy?!" Omer said licking his lips.

Kivilcim looked at Omer and smiled. "Very. It's the first time in my life that I feel truly happy. Before you, I went through a lot, Omer."

Omer gulped, looking at kivilcim adoringly. He scanned her face, proud of the woman she has become today and how strong she is.

"Raising two daughters alone was very hard." She rest her head on his chest as they continued to hug and he left a kiss on the top of her head. When doga got married I had the biggest test of my life and then I met you and everything changed. You changed me. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing." She looked up at Omer.

"I put my walls up all these years. And you... you make me feel so vulnerable sometimes. You brought those walls down."

"Vulnerability is good, Kivilcim.  If we prevent ourselves from being vulnerable, we close ourselves off from experiencing our emotions. It prevent us from experiencing love, belonging, joy, and empathy."

They both smiled.

"I feel the same way. We are both very different people from when we first met. I was stuck in a loop. I found myself in a never ending cycle and when you came into my life, I felt an opening. A light. You gave me hope that I could come out of that cycle."

Kivilcim stood on her toes and kissed Omer. "I love you."

"Me too. Now, we obviously know where everything is. The kitchen.. Our bedroom..." he winked.

"Of course." She rolled her eyes and smiled

"I know it's early but we can go upstairs and pick out the baby's room and eventually pick out things together" they both walked upstairs hand in hand.

"This can be Cimen's room. It's pretty big and has a restroom too. Of course, Metehan's room is here. I was thinking the room across ours for the baby. It is a decent size and it's close."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea... You really thought about this, huh? I like it."

"Of course, I can't stop. I am so excited to meet our baby, inshallah."

Kivilcim smiled. "Well when we go to the appointment in two days, we may find out if it's a girl or boy. We can decide on the rest after."

"Perfect! When will Cimen come?"

"In a couple days during her break. She wants to stay with her grandma. I will still try to convince her. I can't rely on Alev anymore."

"Kivilcim, maybe we should talk to them together? This can't go on like this. Our families are stuck at a crossroad. When we get married again I don't want any arguments. We will do things differently this time."

"Do you think that's a good idea? Having a wedding?"

"Why? You don't want one?"

"I mean... wouldnt it be easier to just sign the papers. We can't control others. We don't really have the happiest relationship with your family right now. And Alev and my mom? What if they ruin the night. Do we really want to risk that on our happy day?"

"Kivilcim I don't care for others. If they come, they come. I want to dance with you and see you in a white dress. We deserve it."

"Omer can we talk about this another time? Please. Let's just enjoy our first night here together."

"Ok... but soon. Promise?"

"Ok. I promise. I will go grab a snack, I am craving strawberries and chocolate. You want anything?"

"No my love. I will go take a quick shower. I'll see you when you come back up."

Kivilcim went to the kitchen to grab two plates and the snacks she was craving. She was getting ready to go upstairs when she got a text.

Ertugrul: can we talk tomorrow. I need to speak with you.

What can we possibly talk about. Why doesn't he get that we are nothing more than friends.

Kivilcim: I am busy tomorrow. Ertugrul I said everything I needed to at the party. We can only be friends. I'm with Omer.

Ertugrul: I need to speak with you. I'll visit you tomorrow.

Kivilcim got annoyed. Why doesn't he understand that no mean no. She went upstairs and put on her  short, black satin night gown. She sat on the bed with her back against the headboard and legs crossed over each other. She turned switched on the TV and put the news on.

Omer walked out of the restroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was drying his hair with a smaller towel and looked at her in awe as she was biting into her strawberry.

"My beautiful wife, you look stunning."

Kivilcim blushed as he walked over to leave wet kisses on her neck.

She giggled as she focused on the TV

"Omer stop, you're still wet. Omer, Omer, look. They're talking about me!"

"What are you talking about. Who?"

They both listened to the news anchor discuss Kivilcim's segment on the show and the success of the holiday party.

"Omer.. what if they talk about the fight??"

"No. There's no way. There were no cameras there in the hall."

"I have a bad feeling. Everyone will know! What will we do then?"

Omer saw how stressed Kivilcim became.

"With superstar Ajda Pekkan performing her hit song,  record number of viewers turned their TVs on to watch the program. That wasn't the only highlight of the evening. Educator and reporter Kivilcim Arslan was caught between a lover's quarrel, where her ex husband assaulted her new lover. We have a video from a viewer coming soon. This all comes after the shock of her sister starting a relationship with her former brother in law, who is also her daughter's father in law. A shock. We will return back with the video. Stay tuned"

"OMER!" Kivilcim began to panic which worried Omer She covered her face with her hands. "I can't believe it. I can't believe this right now. Just when I thought we caught a break something like this happened. We have been embarrassed in front of all of türkiye. What are we going to do??"

"Kivilcim, calm down. Please calm down." He pulled her in for a hug as she became angry. "People will forget in a couple of days. I have a friend here in istanbul. He is great with image repair. He works in the film industry. I'll have him come help. Everything will be fine. Calm down, hayatim, I am here."

"I am so tired of this, Omer."

"Kivilcim, it's okay! Everyone will find out we're together anyway. Its something everyone knows. We can make a statement that what was reported was false. It's going to be okay, trust me!"

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