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Five days have passed since the incident in the restroom. Kivilcim couldn't think about it anymore because of the newest storm in the family. Abdullah bey had confessed his love for alev and decided he wanted a divorce. Pembe was distraught and blamed doga for everything. No one expected Abdullah bey to do such a thing. No one knew where he got the courage for any of this, how long it had been going on, or why he'd want to erase over three decade of marriage.

After doga visited her mom with cemre, that is when she learned about everything happening in the Unal house. She felt uneasy about dogas safety and happiness. She was desperate. She had to

Kivilcim was truly disappointed in her sister. All those times she warned her, all the times alev shared about her "good friend" she was longing for. She lied to her and put dogas happiness on the line. She needed to confront her but that was for another time.

Kivilcim grabbed her phone and began to text alev.

"I know you're busy. We need to talk. Meet me at the new restaurant in Bebek in two hours."

Right now, she was desperate. She would do anything for her children's happiness and the only person who could help was the person she has been trying her best to avoid. That means desperate times call for desperate


Omer was in his office when he rested his head on his palms. His headache were getting more intense and there wasn't anything he could do but try his best to hide it from everyone. Omer heard his phone ring from a text message. He rubbed his eyes to get a clearer view of the text. Shocked, he rubbed his eyes again to make sure what he saw just now was real.

"Omer...can we talk. It's important."

Kivilcim? Why is she texting me. After what happened in the hotel, I was sure she never wanted to see him. She told me to leave her alone. Did something happen, I wonder.

He began to text her back. "I am in the office, can you come here."

"I think it would be better if we meet at a cafe."

"Ok. Send me location."

Ömer grabbed his coat and made his way to the coffee shop kivilcim wanted to meet at. When he entered, she was already there sitting down. He approached her and tried to read her face. She was definitely nervous.


"Hello, kivilcim. I am a Bit surprised you wanted to meet with me. Is everything okay."

"Umm, actually no. Firstly, i wanted to apologize Ömer. I, I don't know why I slapped you. I am never that person, but I... a lot has been going on. I am sorry."

"I know you kivilcim. Don't worry. I deserve it."

Breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know how to voice her concerns. What if he doesn't help her. He has no obligation to. They are no longer together" Omer...As you know the situation at the house is not good. My daughter is in that house with those people. Who knows what pembe is saying or much Fatih is scolding her. She blames her, you know."

"Doga is the most innocent. She has nothing to do with this."

"that I what I am saying. We were all shocked, I had no idea. But right now, my daughter is my priority. I am worried about her mental health especially with everything she's been through there. Can you help me?" Her hands nervously fiddled with each other.

Omer scanned Kivilcim's face. He could tell how nervous she was by the way her hands were moving.

Of course he'd help her. "Of course I can. I will speak to my sister in law tonight. I wanted to anyways. You know we're divorced..." Omer hated saying that word because if he wasn't dying he would never in eternity break up with her. "But I don't want any resentment towards us. I hope we can be friends."

Kivilcim felt a sigh of relief and looked at him in appreciation. After what happened, she thought he wouldn't help. She put up a big smile and almost reached out to squeeze his hands. She realized how wrong that would be and how far he was from her. His hands laid on his laps. What she didn't know was he was hiding his hands because they were shaking more now than ever.

"Thank you."

Omer and kivilcim took their last sips of their coffee and left.

Kivilcim went to the studio to record some clips and pre-recorded promotions before her meeting with alev. She was so mad at her. How could she do such a thing.

Before leaving her office, she saw Ertugrul handing Ruzgar's assistant a packet of papers.

"Ertugrul, hello! It's good to see you!"

"Good afternoon, Kivilcim. It's good to see you too. I was just bringing Ruzgar the organization contracts but he left the office early it seems. Are you now leaving?"

"Yes, I'll be going to Bebek to get coffee with Alev.."

"Oh, okay. I can drop you off.

"No, no I'll take a taxi."

"What are you saying. Please let me take you, it's on my way home anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please. Come."


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