All for Love

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Welcome everyone! The third chapter is here. Did you all see the bolum 43 fragman? It was breathtaking and I can't wait to see what happens. Anyways, please let me know how you like this story and what you'd like to read. I want to build tension before they get back together.

Kivilcim and Omer both arrived at the hotel in separate cars with their children. They checked into their hotel rooms and rested until the first showing. Kivilcim was exhausted. Going to the the studio 5-6 days a week and conducting interviews was taking a toll on her, but she loved what she was doing. She loved being a teacher and principle, but now she can reach a bigger audience. She wanted to make a difference in everyone's lives, especially for women who felt they didn't have a voice.

"Mom, the speaker is starting in 15 minutes. I will Go get us seats. I'll see you, okay?"

"Okay, hayatim. I'll be down shortly."

Cimen went downstairs and saw Omer and metehan at the lobby. Although she felt uneasy about seeing Omer after what happened between him and her mom, she greeted them and discussed her plans for the convention— what she wanted to do and where she wanted to visit. Metehan and Omer were going to the same showing. As the doors opened, they made their way to the front and saved four spots. Kivilcim walked in wearing a black vest and pants that hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair curled and cheeks blushed. She was glowing and Ömer noticed as soon as she entered the same row.

"Hello everyone. Hi metehan, how are you?" Kivilcim said.

Metehan looked at his dad and then to kivilcim. "I am Doing well, kivilcim abla"

Ömer couldn't keep his eyes away as she walked past him. Her sweet perfume wafted past him and she smelled just like he remembered.

"Come sit, mom. It is about to start. cimen patted on the chair to her left.

The keynote speaker shared new findings and advances in robotics, which the audience found quite interesting. There was so much yet to be done. As the day went by and they completed so many activities, cimen and metehan were getting hungry. They decided to go out of the hotel to eat dinner.

"Let's get pineapple pizza. I really want some pineapple and chicken with stuffed crust"

"Cimen, you did not just say pineapple on pizza"

"Whaaat? It's good. Anyone who thinks otherwise don't know what their talking about and has simple taste buds."

"Cimen, pineapple is a fruit. It doesn't belong on bread, tomatoes sauce and cheese."

"You're wrong"

They both laughed. As the waiter brought the food, metehan and cimen could sense the tension surrounding them. Omer would steal glances at kivilcim and she was looking anywhere but at him.

"I am stuffed, truly..." a few moments passed. "Sooo... ummm. can we go bowling after this?" Metehan tried to break the silence and awkwardness.

"I don't think.." kivilcim and Omer said at the same time.

Kivilcim continued, "I think we're just going to head back to the hotel. I think we're both a little tired from the trip."' Kivilcim lied. She wasn't tired at all.

"Yes, let's give cimen and kivilcim some space, son."

Kivilcim looked his way with daggers and took a sip of her wine. He agreed with her but she couldn't stand him right now.

"Momm? Pleaseee"

kivilcim gave cimen a look that told her it would be as she said. "Cimen."

"Yeah..." she imitated a yawn. "We should head back since we're so tired."

The rest of the night was spent with metehan and cimen talking about the convention until they finished eating. Kivilcim and Omer ate in silence, stealing glances at each other and creating enough tension to slice bread.

Back at the hotel, kivilcim put on her bathing suit and coverup. She grabbed a towel and made her way down to the pool. She needed to release the tension accumulating in her body. She felt heavy and stressed, like she could explode any minute. Seeing Omer so close to her didn't help either. They were supposed to be together. They were supposed to be on this trip... together. Instead, they were so distant and cold and he loved someone else.

Kivilcim laid her things on a chair and made her way towards the water. She tested the temperature by dipping her toes in. It was a bit cold and goosebumps began forming all over her body. Her nipple erect against her bra. She slowly walked into the pool and halfway in, noticed Omer walking in.

She began cursing in her head. Why the hell is he here. And why does he look so fine. He had on black swimming shorts and a skin tight shirt that he began to take off. His chest was hard and his abs were showing. Kivilcim let out a nervous breath.

"Should I leave? I can't see him like this." She began to panic and went to pick her things up when she felt sick.

Omer noticed a woman running in the pool yard at the corner of his eyes. "Isn't that kivilcim? What is she doing? She said she was tired. " He went to follow her.

Omer knocked on the women's bathroom door and called out her name. "Kivilcim are you okay?"

There was no answer.

Kivilcim began throwing up into the toilet. She didn't have the energy to yell and tell him to leave.

Omer could hear what was happening inside and he panicked.

"I know you're in here. I am coming in."

"Omer get out of here." She growled.

"Kivilcim, are you okay. "

Kivilcim wiped her mouth and began to straighten up her hair. She opened the bathroom door and saw the look of worry covered in omers face. If he didn't love her anymore, why does he care?

Omer couldn't help but gaze at her wet, heaving chest as she was angrily yelling at Omer. Drops of water were slowly sliding down her naked stomach and she was shivering. He wanted to wrap her around in a warm towel.

"Are you following me? Are you not ashamed to barge in here and ask me how I am doing?? why are you in the women's bathroom. People can be naked in here. Disrespectful."

"I am sorry, when I saw you running I thought something had happened. I heard you throwing up, do you want to go to a doctor."

"Don't say nonsense and come in here like you can. My body didn't take the food so well and what is it to you. Leave me alone, I am asking you for the last time. Please" Saying the last word, she pushed past his arm to leave.

She was so stubborn. Omer grabbed her arm to stop her and the goosebumps came back. They were divorced. He loves someone else. While she was still very much in love with him, he had no right touching her. It was disrespectful towards his girlfriend and kivilcim herself. She couldn't control her anger and found herself slapping him across the face.

"I'm..." she doesn't know what came across her. She was so good at controlling her emotions. She's a levelheaded person and she never thought violence was the answer to anything. "Don't touch me."

Tears began filling her eyes and she went to take her things to go back up to the room. Cimen was sleeping when she came in to the hotel room. She went to check on her daughter and gave her a small kiss on her forehead, tucking in her blanket.

She ended the night taking a shower and washing away all of her emotions.


Omer stood in the women's bathroom in shock. Kivilcim just slapped him across the face. Whatever happens, she was right. He knew he deserved it. He wanted to tell her everything but he couldn't. There was no point. He was dying and he wanted to protect her. He didn't want anyone's pity. If kivilcim found our she would be so broken. She told him that if anything happened to her she wouldn't be able to live, so she wanted her to hate him. It had to be this way. It was all for love.

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