Come to Me

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Omer and Kivilcim both took a shower after their romantic and passionate afternoon. Afterwards, they both entered the kitchen to prepare a quick lunch before Kivilcim had to go home. They were both exhausted from their passionate session and hungry. She was already out for much longer than she expected. Her mom had called a few times, but she was in the shower.

They moved around their home like newlyweds on their honeymoon, their fingers brushing against each other as they walked past each other, Omer squeezing her hips from behind as he tried grabbing a cup from the cabinet, followed by wet kisses right below her ears.

Omer was finishing up the pasta sauce, cutting the tomatoes so perfectly. Kivilcim didn't cook much but she did help Omer as much as she could as he was preparing a delicious pasta dish for the both of them. Kivilcim later sat down on the stool snacking on crackers as she admired his cooking skills and how much he was focused. They both enjoyed these moments

"Sorry, I couldn't be much of help. I am really enjoying watching you from afar."

"You relax, Canim. I love cooking for you. Now, tell me what is my wife and little girl craving for dessert?

"Little girl?"

"Yes, daddy's girl." he winked and smiled.

Kivilcim started to laugh, "and what if it's a boy?"

"Mmmm...I think it'll be a girl, but I will be happy either way. As long as the baby's healthy, that is all that matters inshallah."

They continued to make small talk and eventually ate their food. As kivilcim took her last bite, Omer grabbed her free hand.

"Kivilcim, can I ask you something?" Omer sounded serious.

She continued to chew the food in her mouth as she turned her attention to him curiously.

"Yes, of course. What happened?"

"Kivilcim... I think it's time."

"Time for what?" she said confused.

"Please... pack your bags, gather your things and come here with Cimen, to our home. So much has happened, I almost died and lost you. I don't want to spend another second without you. I want to wake up next to you, watch you wake up every morning, and hold you in my arms as we both fall asleep every night."

"Omer... I do too. Trust me, nothing would make me happier... but I don't think it is the right time. You know the situation at home is not good. My mom is miserable right now. I can't rely on Alev, we barely even talk. She doesn't even live at home anymore. She is always with your brother. If anything happens to my mom and I am not there, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

"Bring your mom too, there's more than enough room. She can stay at the guest house a few steps away. She will have her own privacy and she won't be bothered. It'll be temporary until things calm down."

"You know she won't, you heard her before. I love her, but she is a stubborn woman. It won't happen. Please just wait a little bit longer until things get calmer. Please, understand me."

Omer started to get frustrated. "Kivilcim, how much longer? We were married before and living separately. We never got to do the things married couples do. I feel like nothing has changed. Do you even want to live here with me."

Kivilcim removed her hands from his grasp. She was clearly hurt that he would even think she didn't want to move in with him. "Omer, of course I do--"

"Are you sure because it feels like there is always an excuse with you."

Those words hit Kivilcim like a knife.

"The first time it was doga's divorce and now it is Alev and my brother. Life moves on. There will always be problems, but we are all adults here."

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