One More Day

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Sorry, everyone! I would've updated sooner, but the 44 fragman took away my motivation. How can Kivilcim be with Ertugrul?? I do like how Kivilcim didn't immediately forgive Omer though. Anyways, here's the next chapter and hope you all enjoy. Please let me know what you'd like to read in this story, I am open to suggestions and making it happen! Get ready for a fire-y chapter up next!

Kivilcim woke up with her cheeks resting on Omer's chest and hands entwined with his. She could hear his heart beating. She stayed for a few extra minutes to take it in. Although he hurt her so much, she almost lost him and was grateful he was alive. She slowly removed her hand from his and carefully removed herself from his embrace without waking him up and took in his presence while he was deep in his sleep.

Her smile faded as she remembered what she had to tell Omer--that she is carrying his baby. For a long time in his life, he was forced to stay married to someone he didn't love. He raised his brother's son like he was his own Now, he could be a father to his own child. Their child.

She looked at the time on her phone and realized she was going to be late for work. She had an early morning meeting with Ruzgar to discuss image changes after the fiasco Nilay caused on her live show. She went to the restroom to freshen up before leaving. After applying makeup she wandered up to what would've been their bedroom to see if she could find a simple t-shirt or dress shirt she could tuck into her trousers. Her clothes were obviously never moved into the closet and she wore the same outfit yesterday. She had to find something. Her apartment was a little far, so she couldn't make the trip or she would definitely be late.

She finally decided on wearing one of his light blue vertical striped shirts and tucked it into her pants. This will do. She made her way downstairs and noticed he was still sleeping. She felt bad she couldn't stay. They  had much to talk about and clear up. She would have to tell him another day. She was in a rush and this topic needed time to discuss.

Kivilcim didn't want to leave without seeing Omer. "Omer.. Omer." she whispered and gently caressed his cheeks, trying to wake him up.

Omer woke up grumbling and rubbing his eyes.

"Good Morning."

"Good Morning. What time is it?" He stretched out his arms and got up, putting his feet on the ground and rubbing his eyes.

"It's 6:45 am. I wanted to see you before I left. I don't know if you're taking medication, can I get you it?"

"Don't bother, I can do it. I am glad you woke me up. Seeing your beautiful face is the first thing I want to see every morning." He reached out to gently push a strand of hair behind her ears. "I don't remember you wearing that last night. Is that mine?" He smiled. He was playing with the buttons on her sleeves.

"Yes, haha. I was not planning on staying over here last night but I guess we both fell asleep. My mom is definitely wondering where I am and I can't say I slept over at Fatma's because she moved." She joked. "I actually have to go to the studio. We have a meeting with Ruzgar, the producers and ertugrul. Apparently, he's got a huge surprise for me for our New Year's episode. As you know, the Nilay incident caused a lot of drama and our family business is all over social media. I am not really familiar with this whole thing but they're going to put me through training in case anything like that every happens again, god forbid."

Omer's nose twitched when he heard his name and removed his hands from her wrist. "Ertugrul will be there?"

Kivilcim paused, sensing his obvious reaction after what he said last night. "Yes, Ertugrul. He was there when it happened. And he also sponsored the girls education program that I am leading. He will be involved from now on."

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