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Jacob's POV

At that moment 4 shots were fired.

Someone was hit.

Who was it?

"Aughh!!!!!!!" Rayon yelled in pain. "I'm hit" he said, groaning in pain. "Baby noooo!!!" Craig yelled. He stooped down to Rayon's level and found the gunshot wound. It was right under his heart. "Jacob get a really thick cloth to stop the bleeding!!!!!" he sent me. "Baby this is gonna hurt but I have to do this okay" he pushed his finger into the bullet whole. "Fuck Craig" Rayon winced. "Baby I'm sorry" "WTF JACOB GO GET A CLOTH" I was shocked I came out of my daze and ran downstairs looking for a cloth but the Living room and kitchen was totally crashed. Glass, wood everything was on the floor or torn I ran across the loving room to the kitchen and found a cloth. I also grabbed string.

I ran back upstairs and Rayon eyes were slowly closing. Craig was crying and I gave him the cloth and string. Worried out of my damn head. "What took you so long?" he said taking the cloth and taking his finger out of the wound replacing It with the cloth. Rayon began to open his eyes but his pulse wasn't going to well. I grabbed my phone and called 911.

7 Hours Later

We were in the hospital waiting for The results. He went under surgery about 7 hours ago.

The doctors had told the boys the news they both broke down in tears Rayan was okay but only had a few days to live. It shattered Craig because that's the love of his life. Jacob couldn't handle anymore of the deaths. "Craig I'm really sorry. I said "No it's okay" he said. Trying to hold his tears In. I ran to his side as he fell to the ground crying with much pain. "Jacob I can't Do this!!! First Chresanto, then your mom,NOW RAYON!!!! JACOB!!!!!" He screamed in my arms I cried with him and understood what he was saying. I picked him up and we cried into each others arms on the bench In front of his room. The doctor had said we could visit him anytime so it was okay.

A few Hours later they had stopped crying and Craig went into his room.

Craig's POV

I walked into the room to a weak Rayon, closing the door behind me. I walked closer and his head turned and he smiled. "Hey baby" I said with warm tears rushing down my face. Walking closer to him he licked his lips, and said barley above a whisper "Baby don't cry" "Shh. Don't talk" I said kissing his sweet soft lips. He pulled me in and I climbed in bed straddling him, still in the deep passionate kiss. "Ray baby I want you" I begged, in the kiss. He pulled me in more while he traveled down my hands stroking my hard on. "Mhhh Ray" I moaned into the kiss. He slowly un buttoned my pants and I let him slide them down. I took off the hospital ground and threw it on the ground.

He slide off my shirt and boxers and not breaking the kiss. "Ray tell m-" "I'm fine yeah I'll tell you but your gonna get the best sex ever" he grunted. I slowly started to grind our erects together "Fuck C-Craig stop" he hissed grabbing my waist. "Damn Rayyyyyy" I moaned. Ray slide his fingers in my hole stretching me so that I would adjust. I moaned his name and he took his fingers put of me. I lined myself with Ray and slide down slowly.

"CRAIG FUCK" He grunted as he was about to hit his climax "UGHHHH RAYYYY IM ABOUT TO" Before they knew it that came. Ray came deep down inside Craig and Craig came in between them. "Craig I love you, no matter what happens I'm always gonna love you and I want you to live your life not just for me but for you, promise me" "Baby your not dying you just had 3 rounds of hot steamy sex your not leaving my sight the doctors are stupid" Craig said in a stern tone. "You Capricorn's.... Right fighters" he mumbled. "Shut up" he giggled. Craig laid on top of Rayan and they both drifted off to sleep.

Jacob's POV

"What's taking them so long?" I asked "Promise you don't want to know, but Craig can ri-" I looked to my right and seen Chres I smiled and he smiled back. I leaned in forgetting he was a ghost. "Jacob..." He trailed. I stopped and looked down. "I forgot Chres..... I miss you" he cried. Jacob wiped his tears and thought about the time they could be talking. "What's going up in heaven?" I asked. "Just the usual" He said. "Did you find a mate yet..... A new mate?" I asked feeling the pain. "No I'm still in love with you" he said caressing my cheek. I smiled a weak smile, because that's all I can do.

"I'm gonna be by your side soon okay Jacob" Chres said. "What-?" Before He could ask he diapered. Jacob slowly rose from the bench and entered Into the room that Rayon was in. He entered in and seen the boys giggling. "Hey" I said "Hey Jake" Craig said. "Chresanto is confusing" I said with a little giggle. "You just talk to him?" Ray asked grabbing Cj's butt he giggled. "Yeah I did he said 'I'm gonna be by your side soon okay Jacob,'than he left" I said.

"Ohhh cliffhanger" they both said laughing after. "I guess maybe he's just...... I don't know"


What did he mean?

Boring but it's gonna be revealed next chapter


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