Upside Down

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Sorry 4 Mistakes

Jacob's POV

"He's so rude I-I can't believe him" I cried onto Craig's lap. "Okay what happened?" "So after you left we made out, and he asked me what's wrong I told him I was pregnant and he said he knew. I asked how'd he find out and then he said he was in heaven. Than he said he had to be back in heaven when I'm three months, and I asked when he'd be back and he said when I'm close to having the baby, and thennn I slapped him" I mumbled the last part crying. "You WHAT HIM?" Craig yelled. "I-I s-slapped him" I stuttered. "Jacob you have no right to slap Chresanto!!! What did he do to you that you had to slap him?" He blurted out.

"I-it-," I couldn't speak because he was totally right if I hadn't slapped him he would be here probably admiring the baby right now. "And then what did he do after you slapped him?" Craig asked with hatred in his voice. "W-Well he asked me why I slapped him and I said because your leaving and then I told him to leave and then he said I should listen but I cut him off by saying that I never want to see him again and he yelled and said breaking up over this isn't worth it and stuff like that" I took a breath. "And I tried to listen but he got more upset and said that I would have to find out for myself and then he said he doesn't want anything to do with the baby and left" I said crying harder.

"You should stop all those fake tears cause you put it on yourself! First you slap him!! Than you say he should leave and he reacted its all your fault!! Chresanto should never come back. If I was Chresanto I would never come back I would stay in heaven" Craig said as he pushed me off his lap and grabbed his coat. "Call me wh- Nah don't call me, you did Chresanto wrong, your lucky if he even comes back" He said walking through the door and slamming it. I sat on the floor and cried even harder, Rayon watched the whole thing unravel and he sat beside me on the floor.

"Jacob?" I looked up at him. "Y-Yes?" I said un-audible. "Chresanto loves you very much, but you did really screw up. I don't know if he will come back" he said sadly. "I-I screwed u-up I-I w-was t-the wo-w-worst boyfriend ever!!" I confessed crying into my hands. Rayon didn't answer, he wouldn't know if I was a good boyfriend or not because he hasn't dated me. "Jacob your an amazing boyfriend, so I've heard from Chresanto so I don't think that your all that bad a boyfriend" he said rubbing my back. "Let's just face it, He doesn't love me anymore and he's never coming back" I said getting off the floor. "Well we don't kn-" "-The way he left off yesterday, doesn't seem like he's coming back" I said crying once again.

"Maybe he will" he said getting up. I tunred around and looked at him "You think so?" "I guess" he said looking at his phone. "Is it Craig?" I asked barley over a whisper. "Yeah he sent in caps 'GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE BEFORE I DRIVE AWAY! CAUSE IF YOUR DOING ANYTHING WITH JACOB ITS OVER' He said. "I gotta go Jacob I'll see you later" he said hugging me. In that moment Craig walked in, he looked at us and I let go of Rayon. "Bye" he said sadly. Craig crossed his arms and put all his wright on his left side. "So you are in here doing things you ain't suppose to!" "Yo Craig chill cause I ant fighting with you tonight" he said sternly.

Craig rolled his eyes at me and walked out slamming the door. Ray followed closing the door slowly and quietly. I laid on the couch and cried to my hearts content. "Chresanto hates me no matter what!!"

Craig's POV

As I walked out slamming the door Rayon followed me. "Yo you betta calm down Craig cause I'm not finna doing this tonight!" he yelled "What's are you not doing? Huh!!" I screamed. "This!!!" he said moving his hands I between us. "You constantly talking about Jacob like he has no mind!!! JACOB is grown!! YOU DON'T NEED to do this!!! Worry about that damn baby your carrying. I swear if that child has your attitude" I was hurt he walked past me and went to the drivers seat. I walked to the car and sat in the passenger seat. "I'm s-sorry Ray b-baby I just fear for Jacob's life I've known him for so long and I just, I started to cry and he hugged me.

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