It's A Problem

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It's really short

Go read my new Royce "8 Years A Slave" ❤❤

Just a filla in

Jacob's POV

It's been a few hours since Eva and Sophia have arrived. No hard feelings but I really enjoy Chresanto being this happy. He hasn't cried, and smiled this much in one day ever in his life. I smiled inside and out for him, every step of the way I'm there for him forever and always. I just want us to be happy. "Eva so um how old are you again?" I asked curious. "Oh I'm 20 years old" she smiled. I nodded with a smile. "Do you want anything else Eva water, juice..?" Asked Chresanto smiling widely. "No big bro I'm fine" She giggled. "Okay" he smiled. "So um Eva If you don't mind me asking How long have you been in town? How did you find Sophia?" "She rolled her eyes. "Well um I have been in the city for about 2 weeks, and um I was looking for a job at a continent sore just to start up and I found Sophia"

"I didn't even recognize her I read her Resume and it said Eva August, I asked her a whole bunch of questions and I found out she was my sister" Sophia said smiling hard. "Wow its a small world" I said looking at Sophia. "Yeah it is" Eva said rolling her eyes once again at me. "Babe can you come in the kitchen with me for a sec?" Chresanto said getting up. "Sure thing, excuse us" I said following being him.

We walked In the kitchen and I slide the sliding door. As I turned around I was roughly caught I or a heat kiss. "Mhh Chresa" I hissed lowly. "Daddy needs you baby boy this smile is on my face because I'm thinking about what i could and what I'm gonna be doing to the ass" He growled lowly as he grabbed my ass. "Chr- Mhhh.... Your sister is in the mhhhh next room and all you want to do is fu- ugh yeah baby" I whispered as he hit my weak spot on my neck. "You drive me insane" he growled. As Chresanto said that Jadob had felt a uneasy feeling in his stomach. He roughly pushed Chres off him and threw up in the in the sink. He immediately washed the sink out. "Oh my gosh" Chres whimpered "I-I- I'm sorry I don't know I was disgusting you" Chres said as Tears weld in his eyes. I washed my mouth out and wiped my mouth and turned around.

"No baby!! You weren't I don't know why I did that" I semi yelled as I walked over to him. I lifted up his chin and we looked in each others' eyes. "I promise it wasn't you. Dammit! I would let you bend me over right here right now Chresanto! I promise" I said looking at his lips. "Kiss me Jacob" He said. "But I just thr-" "I don't care kiss me!" Chres demanded. He grabbed my ass and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Mhh Ch-Chres there still in their" I moaned out as my fingers locked behind his neck.
"At-least let me bend you over right now" he grunted slowly grinding our lower halves together. "Mhh you can bend me over when they leave, deal? I asked. He modes his head and I turned around to walk out.

He gripped my ass with a loud smack. "Ughh CHRESANTO" I screamed. Walking out jumping up and down. "That really hurt" I cried holding my butt. "it's not my fault God blessed you with a fat ass" he smirked. "I should cut your hands off" "Well you could but God would give me stronger hands to tear that ass apart"( 😂😂😂 idk I'm funny) He said smacking it again, harder this time. I paused him on the floor as we waked out. "Well God knows you might be dead the next time you smack my ass so hard" I mumbled "I heard that!" He yelled from the hallway.

"What was that?" Eva asked "Where's Chres?" "Oh um Chres fell and um hit something" I lied as I sat down. " Well you didn't even help him up?" She asked getting up towering over me. "S-" before I could say anything she hit me. "ow what was that for?" I asked holding my face. "Eva that wasn't necessary!" Sophia yelled. "Sorry I'm so sorry" she said. "Mmm" I said holding my now stinging face. "I'm back" Chres said coming out of the hallway to the kitchen. He looked over at ms and winked. I blushed, "Damn Bae I just winked" He smirked as he walked up to me. "Shut up!" I giggled. "So um Chres are you single?" She smirked. "No, Jacob is my boyfriend" he smiled rubbing up and down my thigh. I grabbed his hand and moved it.

"Oh! Wow I never noticed, though he was a close friend" She shrugged, wiping her juice" This hoe! I'm sorry Chres but your little sites has just been giving me shade all day I'm about to jump over this table and..... No keep it collected and be civil Jacob! She's family. Soon. "Oh well no he's my baby boy, always there for me of its I need you right now or even Of I'm sexually frustrated, or even when I feel like I want to pound into something, I'm joking but he's mine and only mine" he said intertwining our hands. "Bae stop" I giggled. I than stop giggling as his sentence didn't make sense. But what I heard made sense. 'I need you right now, I'm sexually frustrated I want to pound into something" Chres you freak!! "I see you can't even put your sentence in order" I said laughing. "What Jacob?" Sophia asked.

"Huh?" I asked. "You said: "I see you can't even put your sentence in order" What does that mean" "Oh um notching inside joke" I said smirking Chres slowly began to move his hand down my pants from behind. I don't mind I need him right now. "So um tomorrow is Rayon's Coming out the hospital party can you come?" Chres asked Sophia. She nodded her head as she drank her juice. "Mmm yeah we can um what's the time?" "Umm about 3:00 pm" Chres said going up my ass hole. "Mhh" I moaned out. "What was that Jacob?" Eva asked as she had a sad look on her face. "Oh Mmm nothing really" I moaned out. "Yeah Jacob is just having a little monapause" Chres smirked. Monapause Chresanto? Really. The things this guy says.

"What's that?" She asked. "oh I'm when you have twos fi-" "Nothing just Chresanto being stupid" I interrupted, with a slight smile. She gave a weak smile and got up. "Sophia I think we should go shopping for this party tomorrow" Eva said looking over at Sophia. "Yeah okay we will see you tomorrow" Sophia said as they were walking away. I was getting up but Chres pulled me back. "Boy don't move a muscle I expect for you to be naked and in that bed when I finished with them" He grunted as he grabbed my hard on in my pants. "Mhhh Ughh yes daddy" I moaned out. "Good boy" he said as he began to stoke me. "B-baby pl-please save it for the bedroom" I moaned out as I grabbed his.

"Fine GO!!" He said smacking my ass.

Craig's POV

"So you got the stuff?" "Okay.." "Thanks Jacob!!" "Yeah get back to your session" "You nasty!!" "You better be loaded to cum all night having the guy Wait all day to feel inside you" I Said Laughing. "Whatever! Text me later on the details" I giggled. "Yeah okay bye" I said hanging up. "Who was that?" "Oh none it was just um Jacob" I said laying back on Rayon. "Oh okay, so you know how I um asked to get married to you a while back?" "Yeah?" I said playing with his braid. "Well um if I was suppose to get married to you In a few weeks.. Who would you want to invite. "I don't know probably the family your family Jacob, Chresanto, and Sophia" I said.

"Oh okay just asking" He said looking down at me. "So are you excited to come out tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah I get to bang you so goooood" He said smacking my butt. "Hehe stop!... But you can't" I said avoiding eye contact" "Why not?" he asked grabbing my ass harder. "Because I'm pregnant" I said slowly. "he grabbed ,y waist and sat me up right on his pelvis "How far along?" he asked. "About 2 months remember that time we were banging a lot and we didn't stop for weeks? Yeah I got pregnant then" I giggled as I looked down a him. "OHHH so I'm gonna have a mini me running around?" he said rubbing my hard on. "Mhh don't rub that baby rub the belly" I moaned.

"One for the road?" "Yeah okay" I giggled.


I'm so weird okay i know y'all people in the states going back to school soon or might be in school but have fun okay love all my readers 😍😍❤❤ stay in school eve tho it's hard cause school ain't easy.

I don't go back till September 8th!!!!! So yeah I live in Canada so yeah

But I'm gonna be in the U.S twice this month tho so yeah

On Saturday tomorrow and the end of August for a week

I'm going to DARIEN LAKE OR MAYBE IT'S 6 flags same thing right but yeah so Yeah blessed summer.

Go read my new Royce "8 Years A Slave" it's gonna be good never do I disappoint

Why is Eva so salty?

What did you think Jacob should have done to Eva?

Chresanto is so sensitive why do you think?

What's gonna happen at that party?

~Monique ❤

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