Finding Him

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Chresanto's POV

Today is the day that I get to be happy. Today is the day where I get to see Jacob again. Maybe just like any other day I guess. But it's really exciting when I see Jacob. Today I'm just going to roam around and just look around and become the living Chresanto I use to be. I'm going to eat, sleep, and do all the things that humans do when their not dead but, how am I going to be noticed if I am dead.

I slowly looked up and thought about Jacob. I laughed to my self as I began to picture what he was doing right now. Right now he was taking a shower stroking himself very violently moaning my name. That's wierd isn't it? I'm dead and he's just stroking himself over me. I guess that's just what I do, but if I was alive. My my my JACOB!

Maybe I should visit Jacob today, and Craig and even my Bestfriend Rayon. My mom is some load of sh- poo. Sorry can't curse I am an angel. Well I should totally say this my momma's gonna be dead soon. I can tell you that!! Ha soon very very soon cause I don't even know where the love is with her. I mean she can't even love herself, it upsets me that she could just do that and just get away with that. I mean Rayaon is in the hospital because of her. It would be amazing if she just went somewhere else but up here causing gosh a lot of problems is what we don't need up here.

I slowly walked out of my house and on the street looking up to the beautiful sky. I was just reminiscing about Jacob. I can't get him off my head. I guess it's just really true love, but it can't work though. I was walking all sorts of places looking through the windows. The store that caught my eye was Victoria's Secret I seen all the girls. If only Jacob was posing nude damm. He thought to himself. "Jacob you would look like a piece of eye candy people would loose their virginity to you just looking at you" he said to himself.

But he slowly turned around looking around to see if anyone was watching, and their was a lot of people watching him. He looked down and notice that his body was half transparent half real. He ran his hand through his right side and ran as fast as he could out of the mall.

What Chresanto didn't notice is that he was coming back to life.

Hours Later

Chresanto had found his way to Jacobs house. Jacob was a mess. He cries once and a while for Chresanto still. The door bell had rung and Jacob had not wanted to get it. Something inside said to get the door he had gotten up from the couch and answered the door. Once Jacob had seen Chresanto he pushed into a tight hug. He questioned Chresanto with many questions, but Chresanto didn't have a clue. He was just in the moment he wanted to do things to his lover that he didn't get to do he needed his baby boy.

Jacob looked up at Chresanto and Chres looked down at Jacob. They could see lust in one another's eyes. No words were exchanged all they could do was look at each other. Jacob had pulled Chresanto in the house and up to his room, up the stairs, and to Jacobs bedroom tumbling on top of the bed. Chresanto was going to make love to Jacob for the first time.

Chresanto's dream to make his lover happy was coming true.

None of this Is a dream.

Chres was alive. Jacob was going to take all the time he longed for with Chresanto.

Finally...... He gets to make love to the one he loves.

Chresanto August


Guys Chapter!! I see the love

I'm going to be writing a new book and he's it's a Royce but I'm gonna update it soon I have the idea and everything so yeah


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