I Met Him In The Hospital

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Athena's POV (Jacob's Mom)

I decided to call Jacob to find out if he was okay because I haven't seen him in weeks, but as I said that Chresanto's Mom Cynthia said that she had to leave. I waved goodbye and continued to talk to Jacob he said he was going to take a shower, and that he was fine and he was going to visit Chres. I told him I loved him and our conversation was over.

Jacob was only about 10 Minutes away from me, so I could visit him and he could visit me I believe that he's still my little Princey Bear. About 2 hours later I heard a knock at the front door. I hurried to the door with the cupcake tray in my hand. I put it down on the table and opened the door. It was Craig and Rayon.

"Hey guys is everything alright I asked with a smile on my face

"Athena Jacob's in the hospital" Craig said with tears running down his face "We're sorry Thena we found out 25 minutes ago hes been in there since yesterday" Rayon said "OMG My BABY!!!!!" I yelled dropping myself on the couch "Omg Mrs. Perez" Craig called out and helped me to the couch. "Take me to him please!!" I said getting up.

An Hour Later

Jacob's POV

"Hey Beautiful" " I turned around "Chres!!!!!" I yelled "Am I in heaven?" "No Not yet" Chres said with a giggle, I blushed "I miss you bae" I said to him kissing on his face "How do you feel?" He asked "Your Mother tried to kill me Chres your mom tried TO KILL MEEEE" "Okay chill I know that's why I'm going to wake you you up right now" Chres said touching my heart.

"BUT CHRE--" I woke up in a hospital bed with my mom sitting by me "Hey Hijo" She said "Hi mom" I said "Omg Hijo Your okay you said Chresanto, I got scared. Did you see him?" She asked "Yeah I did Ma I miss him and um Cynthia did this to me if your asking she tried to drown me" I said.

She hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek "Okay They said you can come out tonight you will be okay to come home with me" Mom said sternly "Okay mom I can have cookies rigth?" "Of course Hijo" She said.

A few hours later Jacob was out of the hospital and with his mother.

"Mom!!!! Rayon and Craig are in my room!!!" I yelled walking up the stairs. "Okay be careful" She yelled back

It has been 5 hours since Rayon and Craig were over we were having fun and we were celebrating me out the hospital We had chips and Chipotle and tacos and everything. "Okay Cj truth or dare" I asked "Dare" he said "Okay so tomorrow at school you have to tease all the boys that like you" I said "Ray you okay with that?" Cj asked "Yeah I guess" Ray said kissing him on the cheek before he ate the taco, Cj laughed "Okay baby"

About and hour more Rayon fell asleep with a taco on his stomach Cj and I were still awake but then something out of the ordinary happened.

"Jacob I'm here" A sweet voice whispered "Yes Cj?" I asked "I didn't say anything" he said "Oh okay" Something just sat in front of me it was un real it sat there and looked at Cj and I, the tears began to flow down my face "Chresanto" I cried "Hey beautiful" "Chresanto?" Cj asked "Yo what's up Cj" Chres said "RAYON!!!" Rayon flew up "Wha---- OMG CHRESANTO" "Hey Best friend" "Yo man I'm not dreaming am I?" "No Rayon you can touch me, touch me" Rayon slowly touched him and pulled him into a hug right after he found out he was real.

They talked until the morning But Chres had to leave he left and said his goodbyes but Cynthia was still trying to kill Jacob and his friends now.


Yassss Chresanto isn't scared anymore Yassss

I updated guys Your welcome blessed have a nice week

Let's go RAPTORS!!!

I don't know why

Anyways sorry 4 mistakes and new chapter soon but





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