chapter 10

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thank god.

the bell had finally rang for lunch, and everyone quickly collected their stuff and rushed out the classroom.

sal let me know earlier that every day they all would eat at the table in front of the 'no smoking' sign. i pushed passed the crowd to try and maneuver my way through the crowded ass cafeteria. i forgot how much i hated loud cafeterias. i hadn't been in one for a while. whenever it was lunchtime in new york, they'd let us leave and get lunch at a place nearby, as long as we were back in time for class.

i had eventually spotted larry, ash, and two other kids sitting together at the table. i sat down across from larry and smiled at them.

"hey, y/n! i'm glad you could find us. it totally didn't occur to me to tell you where to meet." ash smiled back at me.

"thank god for sally face." larry poked his cafeteria food with a fork. "oh, also. this here is maple and chug. maple and chug, this is y/n."

"hey. nice to meet you." i smiled and waved at them.

chug, with a mouthful of food, smiled and waved. maple softly said, "hello."

larry then leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "chug lives in the apartments too, but he doesn't get out much. he's kinda.. ya know." i furrowed my brows. in the month that i had been here, i had never seen this guy. sure, maybe i was a bit of a homebody too, but i had been out with sal, larry, ash, and todd pretty often. either way, i wasn't gonna judge.

speaking of sal and todd, the two of them walked up and slid into their seats.

"hey guys." sal placed his tray down and looked at it with disgust.

while sal, larry, and i got into conversation, ash looked over at me with a weird look. "where's your food, y/n?"

"oh. i didn't bring any."

ash's eyes widened. "girl, no." she opened her brown bag and pulled out a cup of apple sauce and a spoon. "here, have this. we can't have you starving!"

i exhaled, and took the apple sauce from her hand. "thank you."

after about 15 minutes, i stood up from my seat. "i'll be right back, i'm going to the bathroom."

i walked out and the door and down the quiet hallway towards a sign that said 'girls bathroom.' as i walked, i passed the blonde guy that was staring down me and sal earlier in the day. he was bent over, sipping water from the fountain, but glared once he saw me.

i rolled my eyes and pushed the bathroom door open. locking the bathroom stall behind me, i pulled out my disposable cart from my bra. i only used carts when i was in a bind, and couldn't smoke real weed.

during my lunch breaks in new york, i'd roll up a joint and eat an everything bagel at this nearby cafe. obviously, smoking a joint IN school wasn't the smartest idea. so carts were going to have to do.

i held the button and inhaled deeply. once the light started blinking, i exhaled the smoke and began coughing.

"ACK- fuck-" i quickly covered my mouth and muffled my loud coughs. once i had finished hacking up my lungs, i unlocked the stall and looked in mirror, fixing my hair and smoothing my outfit. my eyes didn't look too red, so i figured i was in the clear to return back to the cafeteria. but once i opened the door, i had someone waiting for me.

the blonde boy had looked up from his spot leaning against the locker, and glared at me. "it's you."

i furrowed my brows. "huh?" the cart was starting to hit, which didn't really help.

everlong ; sal fisher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now