chapter 12

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sal and i entered larry's apartment side by side.

"about freakin' time! you guys were up there like, forever." ash sat up from her spot on larry's bed.

"it was 30 minutes max." sal shrugged and slumped into the beanbag.

larry mischievously scooted towards sal and put his arm around him. "soooo, what were you guys doin'?"

sal shot him a look. "nothing. we were playing y/n's guitar."

i nodded in agreement, quickly trying to brush off the topic.

ash, todd, and larry all gave each other a look. dammit. now they think we fucked or something!

i rolled my eyes and pulled out my bag of green and lighter. "you got any rolling paper, larry?"

larry got up and pulled open a drawer. "sure do." he then handed me 3 pieces of paper.

we talked amongst ourselves while i rolled up 3 joints. for some reason we were all sat in a little circle, passing around snacks like it was thanksgiving dinner. it was cute.

once i had licked the final rolling paper and molded it into what i wanted, i looked up at the group. "alright, i'm done now. do you guys wanna head out?"

ash stood up and stretched her back. "hell yes!!"

we all walked out to larry's treehouse and sal pulled out a lighter from his pocket. "here y/n, use this."

i took it from his hand and sparked up the first joint. as i inhaled, my nose scrunched and i coughed. "ew, this weed kind of tastes like shit."

larry held out his hand and i passed it to him. "who cares? grass is grass."

"for real. especially after that stressful ass day, whew!" ash added on.

todd made a face and looked over at her. "we barely even did anything today!"

"and somehow i'm still fuckin' exhausted." larry passed the joint to ash. she inhaled in between her sentences. "geez... there's no way i'm gonna make it through this year."

i nodded in agreement.

todd looked at me. "how's everything been for you, y/n?"

"what do you mean?"

"i guess just in general. you only moved here a few months ago, so everything's still pretty new and all. have you been okay so far?"

i thought for a moment. "i like it here. definitely different from new york, but it's a lot better, in my opinion."

ash shrugged her shoulders. "i would much rather live in new york than here. i guess we all want what we can't have."

i smiled at her. "i can totally see why you would think that, but it really wasn't all that great. at least not where i was."

sal cocked his head. "why do you say that?"

"i lived around a lot of wealthy snobs. upper east side. i don't know, maybe they just weren't my kind of people."

blowing out smoke, ash passed the joint to sal and laughed. "damn y/n, you partied with all the rich kids?"

i rolled my eyes and smirked. "riiiight."

"what do rich people do at parties? do you guys like, sip champagne and count out your money?" larry finally had spoken up.

"you act like i was also rich!!" i playfully flipped larry off. "eh, i guess it's basically the same as here. dancing, drinking alcohol that you couldn't even pronounce the name of, and snorting coke. it was pretty cool sometimes though. parties late at night in fancy, high rise penthouses were always a cool vibe."

everlong ; sal fisher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now