Good news, at last

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"Does that mean you'll either consider or agree to it?" I venture, shocked at how easily he's begun to come around. If only Louis or I had thought of using Tessie earlier...

He tilts his head and nods slowly. "I'll think about it. You've given me a real reason to do so. But," he lifts and finer and waves it at me "this does not mean that I'm agreeing to anything or that you've made progress or achieved anything. I don't look at you any different or empathize with you in any way."

"Fine. Just so long as you're considering it, for Tessie's sake." I bite my lip, fighting an impulse I've just had. "In fact," I burst out finally "that's really the only reason I came back to try and talk to you again. I figured, I'm happy to have her and take care of her, but it's not he father. She deserves to be with her flesh and blood. She's already lost her mom, she shouldn't have to loose her father." I hold my breath, hoping he won't get angry. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells the very instance I even imply anything about Sophia. My earlier passion and determination melting away with each second. 

He watches me, I try to stay calm and still. "Thank you for thinking of her." I'm surprised to say the least. I didn't think he would ever say something so normal to me again. Then, him agreeing to even have heard me out this far and to agree to all that he has so far is pretty miraculous too. I venture a small smile and tap the toe of my shoe against my heel. I think it's nearly time for me to go...

"If you'll excuse me," I rise from my chair and gather my things. "I think I'll leave before anything spoils this lovely, civilized conversation we've had." I give him a nod and start walking to the door.

"Thanks for wasting my time," he calls out after me "and you should know it was only civilized because I didn't say what I was thinking!" I hear him snicker behind me. Don't turn around, don't turn around, don't encourage him...

"If that was you not speaking your mind I shudder to think what it would be like to hear you do so!" I snap back at him before quickly darting out the door before I say anything more. I nod to the secretary, poor thing having to work with Liam like he is now. And to be watched from his cameras, I shiver. A strong reason why he needs help, he's obviously not calm and at peace if he's persuaded everyone is out to get him. I frown, I hate to think of what he must feel like. Even if it doesn't hurt him as much as it used to, he still has the knowledge that his wife is dead. His daughter, the one thing he still cares about, has been taken away from him. And on top of all that he's had cameras installed because he fears being watched a betrayed.  I shiver at the thought of living like that.

Once I've collected my two girls and given my thanks to Colin for watching them, I hurry out the door of the building and onto the street. We make our way on the sidewalk around to the parking lot. I can't believe that I did that! Nor can I believe that it went so well! I skip over to my car and help the girls into their seats and get them buckled. After that I start the drive home, despite how much I want to call Louis then and there to tell him the good news, I knew the girls were bored and tired. So I wait until the twenty minute drive is finished. I hand out a snack to the girls and send them into their room. Then, I throw my purse onto the couch next to me and pulling out my phone. I glance at the time, it's 3:38, I calculate what time it will be in the UK. Around 8:38? Not to late, I reason to myself. I doubt he's out and if he is, he should forgive me. I'm about to give him some great news.

I grin and start the call. 

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