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It's nearly five o'clock now and I assume Liam will be coming by to pick up Theresa sometime soon. If he's really wanting to keep her on such a tight schedule he'll probably have her eating at 6 or 7 on the dot. The girls played well for another few hours and then I changed Theresa's diaper before naptime. The contract listed out a lot of information about where she was with eating habits, favorite foods, how well she would sleep and what helped her go to bed easier, and how far along she was in potty training. So far she hasn't gotten very far, but I did offer to let her use the toilet, which she shook her head shyly to. So I changed her and put her and Cailyn down for a nap and then cleaned up the things they left in the living room. Then I call mom and chat with her for a bit, wanting to tell her about the first day of nannying. 

"It really is a good job for you, you're so good with children." she breaks in, interrupting my rant about Zayn being in my house. I've been rather giddy and happy all day, can you blame me? I know that it's technically breaking contract, but can they really expect me to not tell my own mother? I swore her to secrecy though, telling her that if she even told dad exactly which celebrity's daughter I was nannying that I would lose my job.

"Thanks mom," I smile "I really like it so far. It's easy and fun, and that's how you want a job to be isn't it?" I'm curled up on the couch with a throw blanket pulled over my legs, the phone to my ear. "And I mean, it's Liam Payne's daughter mom! I told you I'd meet him someday."

"And now you've got quite and intimate connection to him. Who knows what could happen, you are taking over the 'mommy' role in his daughter's life you know." I swear I can hear her smirking and rubbing her hands together.

"Mom! Honestly...nothing like that is going to happen. He's happily married, remember?" we banter back and forth a little while longer and then say our "I love you"s and hang up. I read for a little while, a fantasy book, my favorites. Then I hear a sleepy yawn coming from beside me and see Theresa has woken up from her nap. She's climbing up onto the couch to furrow underneath my blanket and lies down on my lap. I murmur a hello and rub her shoulder, pleased she feels comfortable enough with me to come and cuddle. A few minutes later, Cailyn comes out of the bedroom too, to climb onto my other side. I smile down at them and then pick up my book again and read until they get restless.

Quite short I know, sorry >.< Vote & comment if you thought it was cute? 

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