"Where's your mommy?"

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Standing in the middle of the aisle of our local supermarket trying to decide which cereal to buy, I feel a tug on my shirt. I pat the little hand absently, still focused on deciding between cheerios or raisin bran.  "Which one of these would you rather have mi hija?" I ask as I turn to look down at my daughter.

"Mama, I found a friend." I stare down in surprise at the little girl with striking brown eyes who is next to Cailyn.

"I can see that!" I laugh, bending down to smile at the child "What's your name sweetheart?" She just stares at me and smiles a little.

"Well you're absolutely adorable. But where's your mommy?" I ask. Cailyn tugs on my shirt again.

"She said she was lost. I told her you would help. Like you found my crayon. And my shirt. And Toby." She grins and holds up her worn puppy in triumph.

"Well I will certainly try. We can go get a cashier to announce it over the speakers. It would sure help if we knew her name." I glance down at the cute little girl but she just continues to stand there. She places her thumb in her mouth and begins to suck on it. She looks younger than Cailyn and this action only makes me support that thought. She's adorable though. 

"Alrighty then we'll go up and see if we can find your mommy, sweetheart." I tell her with a smile. She continues sucking on her thumb contentedly. I turn to Cailyn. "Mija, do you want to ride in the cart?"

"Yes!!! Help me!!!" I smile and swing her up into the front of the shopping cart. Then a thought strikes me as I turn back to her new friend.

"Do you want to ride in the cart too?" I should have thought to ask her first but I can always take Cailyn out again. She loves people and won't mind a bit. But the toddler just shakes her head and holds her arms up to me. I understand and pick her up and place her on my hip. Then I stick the cheerios into the back of the cart and begin to walk down the isle. I'm just about to turn when I see a familiar face turn onto the opposite end of the isle, looking very frantic. I slow down, glancing up and back down at the child in my arms, making a quick connection. He sees me and immediately seems to sag in relief.

"Thank goodness, I was afraid she had gotten out of the store or climbed on a shelf or knocked something over or..."

"She's a child not a monster." I laugh as he jogs to a stop in front of us.

"Oh you don't know her though, she can be a whole lot of trouble when she wants to be." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm so glad she a mother...I mean someone who is obviously safe and knows kids and... you know." he trails off.

"I agree, supermarkets are an easy place for children to disappear in." I reply weakly. I have no idea what to say to him! Neither does his child either, apparently. She stares back up at him while he was talking, still sucking on her thumb, then turns and buries her face into my chest. I don't mind, she's a child and bosoms are made for children, really. However he looks a little embarrassed at her.

"I'm sorry, she likes to cuddle sometimes." he says awkwardly.

I laugh a little, trying to ease the situation. "She's still practically a baby, she probably always needs cuddling. No worries." I blow gently on her nose and she shuts her eyes and cuddles deeper into my side. I smile and take a step towards him.

"She's adorable, really. And her eyes are exactly like yours, it's crazy." I shake my head and push her forward, back towards him.

"Oh, oh, right. Sweetie? Come back to Daddy okay? We've gotta get these groceries and then go to pick up that prescription..." He lifts her out of my arms and secures her on his side. She looks a little disappointed, which makes me feel good.

"It's easier if you have a cart," I advise him. "it lets you keep an eye on them and they're confined. No running away!"

"Yes, that's probably a good idea." He frowns at Theresa and smiles at Cailyn. He turns to walk towards the front of the store but then hesitates. "And thanks by the way, I mean you probably know already but- uh- I'm Liam Payne." He offers the hand that isn't wrapped around his child. "And this is Theresa." He lifts picks up the hand that isn't in her mouth to wave at me. I smile and shake his free hand.

"Yeah, I figured it out." I laugh a little. Way too cheesy. "You're pretty recognizable. Uh, I'm Isabella Sandoval. And this is my daughter, Cailyn. It's nice to meet the both of you." I smile at the two of them. Liam's done an amazing job keeping his daughter out of the public eye. I've only seen...maybe three pictures of her? And those were only baby pictures.

He and Zayn were the ones you always expected to become more secluded...later on. I used to deny that this day would ever come. I cried at first. I adjusted, but then things like this will come up and make me wish for the old days. Wish we didn't have to grow up. And, wish I was brave enough to ask for a picture. Years ago I would have without hesitation. Just to have something to remember it by. Because how often do you meet Liam Payne at the supermarket?? It's pretty much a one in a million chance. But now it just seems like it would be weird. So I don't say anything else as we exchange a few pleasantries and return to our own shopping.

So yeah. First chapter WOO! Lemme know what you think by leaving a comment or voting, please ^-^

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