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Coming to and end, Isaac stopped in front of her classroom. "here it is." before she could even thank him, he was walking away with some of his friends. scoffing by his behavior, MJ entered the classroom looking around for an empty seat. wherever she looked, every single seat was taken, except from one at the very back. MJ smiled when she noticed the empty seat and quickly went to grab it before anyone else could take it. while she was getting ready for the lesson, the teacher entered the class, trying to calm the students down.

"All right, all right, settle down everyone," she said and putted her stuff on the desk beside her. "as some of you have may noticed, we have a new student joining us." hearing that, MJ closed her eyes, wishing to not be forced to introduce herself in front of the class. "Mary Jane," the teacher read off her paper and looked at the new student. "why don't you stand up and tell us a thing or two about yourself?" great she thought.

standing up, she took a quick look around the class, noticing immediately all the stares she was receiving by her classmates. "It's MJ actually," she corrected, "uh-i moved here recently with my sister from new york and yeah that's all about me." she said and sat back down before the teacher could even say anything. "alright then. Nice to meet you MJ," the teacher smiled sweetly at her and she started the lesson.

when the bell finally rang, it was time for MJ'S favorite time of the day. lunch. come on food was her one and only love. and she did heard that the food here is great. as she made her way inside the cafeteria, every table was packed with students, chatting and sharing their daily news with their friends. she looked around in search of a known person of hers. after looking for a few seconds she finally spotted jackie, looking around confused trying to find her sister as well. when they spotted each other, MJ made her way towards her sister in very hurrying steps. when they finally came face to face with each other, they shared a hug which they both needed but didn't realize how much. 

breaking the hug, the two of them started ranting about their day at the same time not understanding each other. once they stopped talking they took a pause. and looked at each other. "you first," they said at the same time. "okay so, i talked to the concelour today and you won't believe what she told me." jackie had began once again ranting about what happened previously with her meeting, "she had the nerve to tell me that i shut my friends away and didn't talk to them or contact them. she also told me that the only AP classes they can offer for my grade is English and Biology. Only two? how-"

"jackie!" MJ finally interrupted her sister's rambling. "can you please take a deep breath and just relax for a second?" she instructed and jackie followed after. after taking that huge breath of relief she needed, jackie finally calmed down. "You need to be easier on yourself Jacks. All this stress you talk and have makes me dizzy." MJ said as she grabbed a tray for her and her sister in order to get their lunch. "i know. but you have to undesrstand that getting into princeton is my-"

"dream. i know jacks. but being anxious about it and taking all this classes isn't doing any good." MJ answered back as she and jackie waited in the line to get food. "yeah, you're right," she sighed and relaxed her shoulders. "i know. i'm always right," as the two girls were conserving with each other, Alex warner along with his siblings Danny and Nathan, were watching the girls, thinking if they would invite them to sit down on them.

"should we invite them to sit down?" Danny asked and looked at his brother Alex but his attention was turned towards the girls, but more specific to the oldest Howard. "yeah, i'll go grab them," he said as he finally broke out of his trance and stood up trying to make his way towards the girls but immediately stopped when he noticed that no other than Cole Walter was making his way first towards the Howards.

"Hey." that simple greeting, grabbed both girls' attention and turned to look at the blonde boy in front of them. "what are you doing?" he asked them but MJ could see that the question was going towards Jackie. MJ smirked at the thought of the two Walter boys being interested in her. "grabbing lunch?" jackie stated the obvious, rather confused by the stupid question she heard. "let me help you," he said and put his hand on the lower back of jackie's. noticing that they were moving in front of the line that was already formed, jackie grabbed MJ's hand and dragged her along with them. 

MJ felt kind of bad for skipping  line. as they came up the front, Cole grabbed two sandwiched and placed each one on the girls' trays. "these are always good," he informed them. " i don't know what's happening," jackie said confused, her sister agreeing with her statement. When jackie noticed that Cole was trying to pay for their lunch she insisted that he didn't have to but at the end he did. MJ wasn't planning and she didn't want to sit with Cole and his buddies for lunch so she decided to go and sit with Alex and the others. after saying her goodbye to her sister she made her way towards the boys. 

when she reached her destination, she cleared her throat trying to grab their attention which thing she did. "can i sit here?" the three of them quickly nodded and MJ let out a smile and sat down next to Nathan. sitting with them was the best choice she ever made that day. she was having the best time she ever did since the accident. the jokes that Nathan told, the chuckles and laughs now and then, made MJ's day better. 

as she was talking with the boys, she didn't noticed a specific person staring at her from up ahead. Isaac Garcia found himself looking at the girl who was laughing with his cousins and having fun. his brother Lee noticed the little trance Isaac has been and snapped his fingers in front of his face in order to break him out of it. when he noticed what has caused Isaac to be so quiet he smirked and turn to look at him. "Got a crush there little Isaac?" Lee joked around, earning a loud scoff from the other boy. "not at all. i was just looking because-beca-"

"because what? you have a crush?" at hearing that, Isaac quickly shook his head in disagreement. "oh wait. you have a little drool over there," Lee chuckled and pointed his finger at Isaac's chin which was quickly and angrily smacked away.

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now