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After the chaotic dinner was done, Jackie went to walk Erin outside while the others were helping to clean. Everyone was busy with something different. MJ was washing the dishes while Isaac was next to her, drying them off with a towel. As she was washing she noticed the sudden mood swing of Isaac's. "Hey," nudging him with her shoulder, catching his attention. "You okay?"

Of course he wasn't okay. He didn't know what MJ was considering doing about the custody thing. Was she really going to leave? Was she really going to throw everything she created here and go back to her old life in new york?

Obviously Isaac didn't want her to go but he couldn't stop her from doing it, even though it could break him down. Leaving him wasn't something that crossed MJ's mind. Living here was something totally different for her but good different. She really liked the way everything was falling into place. She liked where she lived, her friends and especially the time she spent with the boy she liked.

"You got a second? I wanna talk to you," hearing that, MJ was sure that it was about the custody thing. Drying her hands, she nodded and they went to george's office for some privacy.

"What is going on Isaac? Why are you all of a sudden depressed and sad and mad or whatever," MJ started questioning as the door behind them closed. "I have every right to be sad or depressed or whatever,"

"What are you talking abo-"

"We both know what i'm talking about," indeed they both knew what was going on. "You're going to leave aren't you?" MJ wanted to say that she didn't want to but if her sister felt and believed that she could be better back at their home, she couldn't just leave her alone.

Taking a step forward, she grabbed his hands into hers, holding them tight. Looking up to his eyes, pain and sadness were painted in his eyes. He didn't want to let her go now that he had her. "Believe me Isaac, me leaving was the last thing I considered doing. But if jackie wants to go, i can't leave her alone. You have to understand-"

"No I don't want to understand!" He took a step back, getting all emotional. "You can't just leave! You can't just leave because your uncle decided to show up all of a sudden and take you away!" He said, in a rather high tone. "Calm down Isaac please-"

"No! You can't just leave!" Hearing a soft sob leaving his mouth, MJ's face dropped down. "You can't leave okay? You can't,"

Seeing him crying for her was something MJ didn't want to see now or never. Bringing him into a tight hug, she wished her uncle didn't brought up the custody thing and make the whole situation worse. "I'm sorry,"

After everything was settled downstairs, the two teenagers suppurated ways and went to their bedrooms to calm down and get some rest. Coming into their room, jackie noticed the stained tears on her sister's face and quickly went by her side, quick to ask what happened. "Are you really going to leave?" She whispered, wanting to hear her sister say that she wasn't.

Nodding her head in a negative way, MJ breathed a huge sighed of relief and hugged jackie.

After founding out that neither of them is going to leave, MJ's first thing to do was to go and tell Isaac. Checking his room, he wasn't there. She headed downstairs and heard a commotion inside george's office. Knocking on the door caught both garcia brothers by surprise. Isaac opened the door while lee was still talking with their father. Seeing that it was MJ herself, he excused himself so he could talk to her.

"I'm not leaving," when those three words left the girl's mouth, Isaac couldn't contain his excitement and picked her up, hugging her in happiness that she wasn't going anywhere. "Woah woah-" spinning her around, Isaac was one happy man. Hearing that his girl wasn't going to leave made him want to jump up and down forever.

"Well someone's excited,"

The next day came quickly it was a peaceful and quiet sunday. But it wasn't so peaceful and calm for MJ. She was panicked and bitting her nails off as she was thinking that today was her official first date with Isaac. "Jackie!" Yelling from upstairs, jackie panicke, thinking that her sister was hurt or something and sprinted upstairs. "I'm here. I'm here!" She said as bursted into the room, trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know what to where!" Giving her a 'are you serious' look, jackie rolled her eyes but wanted to be the calm one and help MJ out. "Okay i'm calling grace and skylar, you find your outfits and we're gonna help you okay?"

"We're here! We're here!" Grace and skylar barged into the room, holding two makeup bags, ready to help her friend out. "I'm so glad you're here, I'm going to start crying,"

"No. No need to cry. We're here at your rescue," grace said as she placed the makeup on the bed, skylar doing the same. "So," turning to look at MJ, grace putted on her serious behaviour. "What you got in mind of wearing?"

Hearing that, MJ pulled out her two outfits she had in mind. She took noticed that outside was sunny and then she picked her outfits. "So the first one is this one," she grabbed the first outfit, which it included of a white sundress, with a denim jacket. "The second one," dropping the first one on the bed, she picked up the next one.

"Is this one," this outfit was included of a pair of high waisted jeans, blue in the colour, and on the top was a baby pink tee. "So. Which one?" Noticing the stares from her sister and friends, MJ was scared of hearing. "Okay so the sundress sounds perfect. Personally, i go with sundress," skylar shared his opinion, grace and jackie.

"Okay so, sundress it is," grabbing the outfit she headed for the bathroom, leaving the three friends together. Coming out of the bathroom, she headed back to her room. Entering, she gained smiles from both her friends and sister.

"So what do we think?"

"We really like it," skylar spoke up for him and the rest of his friends. After an hour of getting ready, a knock on the door was heard. Opening the door, MJ came face to face with Isaac.

"Ready to go?"

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now