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heading to her next class, MJ had make a stop to her locker to get some of her notes for the next lesson of hers. as she was was gathering her stuff someone closed harshly her locker, causing her to flinch by the sudden movement. looking up she was face to face with Garett, a boy from her class. an annoying one. rolling her eyes she tried to get passed him but Garret being Garret he quickly blocked her way, trying to make her stay so he could talk to her. "what do you want Garett," MJ sighed frustrated, wanting the boy in front of her to leave her finally alone. "to ask you something,"

"again? it's the third time today. i'm tired. get out of my sight. goodbye," but once again he blocked her path towards freedom, and backed her on the lockers behind her. smelling his breathe she cringed "dude have you ever heard of washing you damn mouth," MJ complained trying to get out of the situation she was in. "wanna go on a date with me angel?" 

"when you finally brush your teeth, i'll think about it. now leave me the hell alone," pushing him on the chest trying to push him away from her. despite her protests for him to leave, Garett didn't move a bit which think made MJ feel awkward.

trying to get to his next class as well, Isaac Garcia along with his brother Lee and their friends, were talking and joking around, but stopped when they saw something they didn't expect to. Garett Clayton, trying to flirt and convince MJ Howard to go out with for once again. Seeing that, Issac immediately took the decision to go there and take the matter in his own hands. his brother though stopped him when he noticed that maybe he didn't need to intrude. "dude i think she got it under control," looking at his brother in desbielef, Isaac turned to look where Lee was pointing at and when he did turn around he couldn't believe it.

Garret was on the floor now, holding his now bruised probably private part, groaning in pain. "you bitch!" MJ who was above him, smirking at the scene below her only shrugged her shoulder. "yeah i'll probably go the doctor for that," everyone around them were laughing at Garret's failed attempts to flirt with the Howard girl. making her away from the boy on the floor, who was crying in pain and was desperately trying to get up, she looked at the group in front of her who included the Garcia brothers and their friends.

giving a small wave and a tiny smile, she passed them and finally headed to her class. Looking back as she was walking, was what Isaac did. "You're so whipped bro it's hurt to observe," Lee said and moved along with his friends, leaving his brother still watching in the same direction.

now in the middle of MJ's class, as she was taking notes off the board, mrs Jacobs knocked on the door, getting the teayou cher's attention. "Can i please have MJ for a few bit? i need to talk to her," hearing that MJ wasn't ready for another therapy session from mrs jacobs. but having no other choice but to listen, she grabbed her stuff and left with mrs jacobs. entering the now familiar office, MJ took a seat and waited for Mrs jacobs to tell her what was so urgent that she had to be pulled off class. "you have any idea what happened to mr Clayton today?" tara asked, expecting an honest answer from the girl before her, but wasn't sure if MJ was willing to share an honest answer.

"yeah. i kicked him in the balls," taken back but the total honesty of the girl, tara wasn't expecting a truly honest answer, but it seems that MJ wasn't going to lie. "and is there a specific reason you did that?"

"he was hitting on me and then he got to a point when he was getting too close. he was passing the line of privacy there and he didn't seem to stop so i kicked him in the balls. easy," MJ shrugged making all this sound so simple and normal. "oh," mrs jacobs didn't expect that kind of incident to happen especially coming from Garret Clayton. "you need me for anything else?" 

"yes actually. MJ, kicking a student in the hallway isn't something we do here okay. i get that he was getting a little bit close as you mentioned but rules are rules.  you have detention for three days," not believing what has left tara's mouth, MJ looked at her in total disbelief.

"so i get detention for protecting myself? what does he get huh?"

"as far as i know, mr Clayton didn't receive any kind of punishment. i'm sorry MJ but your guardians, meaning Kathrine and George have to be informed" scoffing at what she was hearing, MJ grabbed her bag and left the office, making sure to close the door as harshly as she could. 

realizing that the bell for lunch had already rung, she headed towards the cafeteria, trying to get to Jackie first things first. entering the cafeteria, she looked around, searching for her sister and after a few second she spotted her, talking with skylar and grace. as she made her way towards her friends, she noticed that she was earning stares from students around her, probably about what happened before. coming to a stop she turned and look at those who were giving her stares and said, "what? you done staring?" turning back around she finally met with jackie.

"i need to talk to you," she said as she wanted to get some privacy with her sister and explain everything. "girl, what you did back there. one word. iconic," skylar congratulated her and grace nodded in agreement. what can they say, news traveled fast around here. giving her two friends and sister a confused glance, jackie was sure that she did miss an episode. "um, excuse me, what did she do?"

"nothing," MJ quickly said wanting to get out of there so she could describe what happened to her sister without any interruptions. "not nothing. Garret will probably have permanent damage," grace chuckled. "who's garret? what is happening?" rolling her eyes, MJ grabbed her sister by her hand and leaded her out of the cafeteria. "what happened MJ? What are they talking about?"

taking a huge breath, MJ explained everything and every little detail to her sister jackie who by the end of MJ's explanation was with the most jaw dropping expression on her face. "you got detection?!" jackie said, rather loudly too, not realizing that she indeed may have yelled a bit. "shout a little more jackie, it think the rest of the school didn't quite hear you," MJ rolled her eyes at her sister and her loudness. "it's so unfair though, me earning detention and the one who caused me to make the kick, wasn't even punished,"

"son of a bitch,"

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu