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as the day came to an end, MJ was packing her stuff, leaving from her last class. exiting her classroom, she started strolling in the halls. she was on one mission. finding her sister. after a few minutes of walking and searching around she finally spotted jackie with two unknown people. MJ thought that maybe they were jackie's new friends. as she neared them, she called out for her sister who immediately turned around at MJ's voice calling her. when she came to a stop, Skylar and Grace noticed that and came to a stop as well wondering why jackie took a halt all of a sudden. when they saw the two girls hugging they assumed that this was the infamous MJ Howard. 

"hey guys, this is my sister MJ i told you about," jackie introduce her little sister to her now new friends. "MJ this is Skylar and Grace. we have chem together," she informed her sister. "it's nice to meet you," MJ smiled at the two of them. "oh my god jackie, you didn't tell us that your sister was such an angel. she's like so pretty," skylar was quick to compliment her, Grace nodding in agreement. Giving him a smile, MJ felt like she finally started to become her old self. 

as the group of four started walking again, Grace and Skylar were explaining and informing the two Howard girls about the Walter family. "you girls are like the luckiest girls in the whole school," grace said with an excited chuckle earning two confused looks by both girls. "grace," skylar tried to stop his best friend's nonsense. "what? i mean think about it. Both of them are landed in boy heaven, okay?" grace continued, and she then started listing the boys of the family.

"there's danny, with the actory-brooding thing going on," grace began her listing of the family. "Nathan the musician. Lee, the edgy skater. Then there's Isaac the cool dude," for some reason when MJ heard the mention of the Garcia boy her head from being down, rose up in a quick move, which movement was caught by the three other members of the group. "you were going to break a neck there MJ," skylar joked at the girl's sudden move of interest. "well it seems that someone is interested in mr Isaac Garcia himself," grace said in a teasing voice. "as if," MJ quickly said in denial, not convincing neither skylar and grace nor her sister. "you were saying grace?"

"oh yeah. and, of course, there's cole." she said dreamily, as any girl in silver high would say. jackie couldn't understand the all hype about Cole Walter. "i don't get it, what makes him so special?" jackie said trying to get the  whole obsessed thing over Cole Walter. grace came to a stop causing her friends to stop as well. "Listen you can't define it okay? it's just the Cole Effect," she explained. when she heard that, MJ let out a laugh at the stupid statement she just heard. "i'm sorry what? did i hear you right? the cole effect?"

"yeah really? the cole effect," jackie agreed with her sister. what she was hearing was total nonsense. "yes the cole effect okay? it's why all the senior boys are like 'what's up bro' when they see him and why the freshman girls line at the parking lot at 3:30 every day just to see him drive past," at the mention of 3:30, realization kicked in. jackie looked down at her smart watch and noticed the time. they were late.

"we gotta go," she immediately said as she and MJ made their way towards the school front doors, skylar and grace on their trail behind. "you came with cole?" they were asked and they nodded. when they exited the school grounds, they saw the familiar now truck flew past them. they had left without them. "hey wait!" jackie shouted as she tried to make them come back. "you assholes!" MJ shouted frustrated, not believing that they left without them. "i'm sure they just forgot," MJ let out a scoff of what she just heard. yeah forgot totally.

"it's okay you guys, i can give you a ride," grace reassured them, as they all neared her car in the parking lot. as they were trying to get to grace's car, two girls appeared in front of them. "jackie right?" the blonde one asked, obviously referring to Jackie. "yeah," she replied to the girl's question. "look, i don't know who you think you are or whatever, but just so you know, cole's only being nice to you because his mom told him to," that girl erin said. MJ tried not to cringe of what she just heard. where are we in third grade?

"yeah sounds like classic cole," jackie said trying to end this conversation so she and her friends could finally go home. "trust me, cole like his girls a lot less vanilla than Miss J. Crew over here," erin sarcastically said, making fun of jackie's appearance. "it's ralph lauren," jackie corrected her, catching erin off guard. "keep your hands off my guy? what happened to female solidarity?" skylar was the one who spoke up that moment, but by the looks erin was giving him he wish he didn't intrude. "i don't know what the problem is, but i'm not interesed in cole and he's not interested in me either. like you said, he was just being nice," jackie finally stood up and clarified her position in this argument. erin on the other hand, was in loss of words and didn't know how to answer back so she simply said "just watch it, i'm not buying this little orphan annie act,"

hearing this girl insulting her sister, MJ decided to finally speak up and stand up for her sister. "i just love your bag." she said and immediately catching erin's attention. "it looks almost authentic," erin was taken back by the sudden insult from the younger howard. "it is authentic," erin fought back. "no it's not. our mom designed a range for that brand. the leather's too thin and the logo should be stitched on the inside not printed." she sassed back, leaving erin with her mouth hanging.

"and next time take your insecure ass somewhere else. and instead of insulting jackie go and fix your issues man. we don't have time to waste." MJ was always confident. that's what jackie liked about her. she wasn't scared of speaking her mind and she will never be. she was grateful that she had MJ by her side. after the two girls finally left them alone, skylar and grace were excited and still in shock by MJ's sudden outburst of confident. when they entered grace's car, the both new friends of the howard sisters, started gossiping and laughing about the incident that happened back there.

"that was insane!" grace chuckled excitedly still trying to process the whole thing. "you miss, deserve ice cream after that performance you pulled back there," grace smiled as she started the car. "yeah let's go to monty's," skylar offered up and grace nodded in agreement. "i'm in," MJ shrugged, agreeing with the whole ice cream thing, and they all waited for jackie's answer now. "sure i could go for some icecream," finally agreeing, the car ride to monty's had began.

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