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Finishing her class, MJ was in the hallway, nearing her locker. as she opened it to get her stuff for the next class, Miss Jacobs, the school counselor approached her. "hello there, Mary Jane," putting a hand on her chest, MJ turned to look at the reason she nearly had a heart attack. "oh, i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you there," the older woman quickly apologized to the girl. closing her locker she turned to look at the woman before her. "it's fine. what can i do for you mrs Jacobs," she said, waiting for the woman's reply. "i actually need to see you at my office,"

"right now? i have a class-" before MJ could ever finish her excuse mrs Jacobs interrupted her. "i talked to you teacher and he said that it was completely fine," she said. "come on," and with that the two of them started walking towards mrs Jacob's office. once the arrived, MJ took a seat and Tara took one as well behind her desk.

"so Mary Jane-"

"it's MJ actually. i don't go by Mary Jane. Not anymore at least," she corrected the older woman before her. "my mistake. so MJ, how are you doing? how's the school's been treating you?" Tara began with the questions straight away. "It's been good so far," MJ simply replied. "I talked to your sister as well, and let me tell you that girl is too smart and organized for her own good," tara joked, trying to break the thick ice between her and the teenage girl opposite her. "yeah she told me," Tara noticed that MJ wasn't willing to keep up the conversation and was slightly bored of this unexpected meeting of them. "how are you doing MJ, after the accident."

MJ wasn't having it. she couldn't believe it. why was everyone asking her that. was is so hard to leave her alone and not mention, just once, the one topic that she was so vulnerable at. "is this why you called me over? so we could have a therapy session? believe me ,i had a therapist he didn't do much, but i don't need a second one thanks for the offer," MJ said frustrated and wanting to get out of there as fast as she could. "come one MJ, at some point you have to finally express your feelings, it's not healthy for you to keep it to yourself,"

"it's none of your business when i'm going to talk to someone about my feelings okay," she fired back. "i didn't ask for a fucking therapist. i'm fine,"

"no, you're not MJ. honey, i know that the whole accident thing affected you really bad. i'm just trying to help. if you just tell me how you feel-"

"what do you from me man?" she said finally letting the tears fall. "to tell you how fucking hard it is for me to realize that my family is gone? to tell you that i blame myself everyday for it?" before tara could ask why the poor girl in front of her blamed herself, MJ started talking again. "i came back from camp and they told me that our personal driver was going to pick me up from the airport but i wanted them to come. and i insisted and insisted and insisted and at that point they gave up and drove to come and pick me up. at their way to the airport, the accident happened," MJ looked down at her fidgeting hands, trying to stop the tears from falling. but she couldn't. "it's my fault. i know it is. if i hadn't insisted for them to come they wouldn't have died," she wiped her tears with the back of her hands. she was looking everywhere except tara's face. she couldn't meet her eyes. not yet.


"are we done here?" hearing no answer back, she grabbed her back and left the office, not wanting to be there anymore. that was the first time she talked about what she was thinking, what was bothering her. all the regret and blame she felt was killing her softly inside. but she couldn't show it. no way. yesterday was the first time she saw her sister genuinely smiling. she couldn't ruin that smile with her thoughts.

not feeling well to go back to class, she made the decision of leaving. she couldn't stay longer. she just wanted to go away. to get away from reality. just for a little. walking down the hallway, in a quick pace, she didn't realize that she had bumped into someone. looking up she was met with the worried eyes of Danny Walter. Looking down at her, seeing her red eyes he was quick to question what was happening.

"are you okay?" that question she heard over and over again. she wanted to say yes like she always did, but this time she didn't find herself strong enough to say it. she shook her head negatively, and the tears began running once again. bringing her into a hug, danny felt sorry for the girl for whatever reason she was crying. he knew what she's been through is hard for her to process. "let me call mom so she can get you home okay?" agreeing with him, they began walking together.

the ride home was quiet. kathrine didn't want to upset MJ even more and she decided to not say anything at the moment. after her little breakdown at the school, danny kept his promise and called his mom and when he explained the situation, kathrine drove down there as quick as she could. she drover MJ home and her bike would be taken care of later that day.

arriving at home, MJ was quick to opened the car door and head towards the house. entering the house once again in a quick pace, she entered her bedroom and closed the door with a hard push. dropping her bag on the floor, she fell on the bed, crying once again at her pillows. she never cried like that. all this time, hiding her feelings end emotions and thoughts, came like huge wave and broke her down.

closing the front door, Kathrine Walter, didn't expect to see the young girl at such a bad condition. she wanted to help her so much but she couldn't force MJ to talk to her. she wanted her time and she completely understood that.

back to the school, once kathrine and MJ headed off, danny went back inside, and he realize that it was now lunch time. entering the cafeteria, was something that caught jackie's attention. when danny noticed her walking towards him he was sure that she was going to ask him about MJ. "have you seen MJ?" the question was asked. "we gotta talk," walking outside the cafeteria, jackie's nerves were on edge and she was scared that something happened to her sister. "she's home," danny asnwered right away. "home? why, is she sick?"

"no, when i found her she was crying. she didn't tell me what happened and i didn't want to stress her even more so i called mom and she picked her up. Jackie, she was in a very bad condition. i don't know what happened but it totally brought her down," hearing that jackie felt so horrible for not being there for her sister. "i have to go and see her,"

"no jackie. i think let her be. she needs time. we're living in a bit," danny suggested but Jackie wanted to bad to go and see her. but deep down she knew that he was right. when their conversation ended, lunch ended as well. exiting the cafeteria, Isaac spotted Jackie and danny and quickly went over there. "have you guys seen MJ?" he asked out of curiosity but most of all because he was actually a bit of worried. "she missed class,"

"did she tell you why she missed class?" jackie asked. "no, the only thing i know it's that she went to see the counselor," isaac replied. what could possibly mrs Jacobs had said that upset MJ so much. "come on i'll walk you to your class," danny offered Jackie which she agreed to. "isaac do me a favor and get the homework for MJ please," danny said. "of course yea,"

As the school day had finally finished, jackie decided to follow danny's advice and leave her sister be for a while. She went to the shop to grab some hair-dye for her hair when she realised that she was near the ver clinic where kathrine was working.

Paying for her product, she made her way at the opposite direction of the store she was just in, heading for the vet clinic. Opening the door and entering in, kathrine took notice of Jackie's arrival and she knew why she was here.

"How is she?" Was the first thing Jackie asked kathrine. "I honestly don't know honey. When i picked her up she was in a complete awful condition. She's at home now. When i went to see if everything was alright she was sleeping," kathrine explained everything to the girl before her.

"You have any idea what caused all of that?" She asked the Howard girl, wanting to know is she knew  anything at all. "Yeah i might have an idea,"

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now