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As they arrived at school, all friends of MJ noticed that she was quite down today. She wasn't talking unless she was spoken to, and her feisty and vivid personality wasn't shown today. Not only she was still bothered by what happened with Isaac but about the teapot incident this morning. With now her friends and sister leaving for their classes, she was now walking alone to get to her locker.

Opening it, what caught her attention was the little white box in front of her. As she placed her books inside her locker, she grabbed the box carefully and opened it. Letting out a gasp she put her hand on her mouth trying to contain the tears of happiness from falling.

Inside that box was her broken, now fixed, teapot with a note laying on the top of it. Opening the note she was met with Isaac's handwriting. I'm really sorry," the note read. She really wanted to ignore it and be mad at him still but the gesture he did for her have forgiven everything he has done to her.

Placing the box back inside, she grabbed her next class' books, and closed her locker with a big smile on her face.

Hearing the bell ring, it meant that it was time for lunch. MJ was hoping for her to find the boy who fixed her teapot and thanked him. As she was walking into the halls she finally spotted him with his friends and brother and quickly approached them. When she neared them, she grabbed his hand and lead him away from his friends.

When they got some privacy, she quickly brought him into a huge hug, thanking him by her gesture. Catching him off by guard, Isaac hugged her back, with equal happiness as hers. Breaking the hug, he could see the smile that was spread all over her face which thing made him melt inside.

"You don't have any idea, how much this means to me," she said, unable to contain hiding her smile. "I could kiss you right now," he knew that she wouldn't right now but hearing her saying that gave him hopes. Hugging him once more and thanking him again, she left for the cafeteria to find her sister.

Entering the cafeteria, there was no sign of jackie nowhere. Spotting alex along with his friend Kylie, she approached them, wondering if he or she knew where her sister might be. "Hey alex," getting now his attention, he turned to look at the younger howard in front of him. "You have any idea where ja-"

"Jackie is? No, she missed class. I thought that y-"

"I knew? No. Haven't seen her for a while. Just wanted to talk to her. Have you perhaps seen grace or maybe skylar?"

"Yeah they were by skylar's locker," alex informed her. Giving him a 'thanks' she headed were she was told to. Noticing her two friends, she approached them quickly, unable to hind her happiness. "Guys!" Yelling in excitement, grace flinched and placed her hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath, skylar next to her having the same reaction.

"You won't believe what happened," MJ started explaining what happened with Isaac before. At the end of her explanation, grace was yelling and jumping up and down with MJ from her excitement. Skylar was watching them with a big smile. "Oh my god, I can't believe it, I can't believe it-" grace continued ranting and smiling and hugging her friend from her excitement and happiness she felt for her.

Exiting school, MJ was heading towards her motorcycle with her friends who car was parked next to her bike, when she noticed that cole's truck wasn't parked where it was supposed to. As she saw the walter and gracias brothers exiting school she noticed that they were equally confused as she was about cole disappearance. MJ realised that her sister and danny were missing too and she figured that they cut school, thing unusual for jackie to do.

"Hey guys!" Yelling for them to see her which thing they did, they started coming her way when she waved them over. "Where's cole?"

"I don't know. But i can give one person a ride. And I'm sure grace wouldn't mind taking the rest of you guys home. Right grace?" Nodding in agreement, the only problem now was who was going with who. "So, who's going with me?" Asking the question, lee pushed isaac forward, trying to get him to talk.

Noticing that, the rest of the walters continued with Lee's idea. "Yeah isaac can go, we can ride with Grace it's fine," nathan said and the rest of them nodded, following skylar and grace to her car.

Turning to look at her, for once Isaac was glad his brother talked so he and MJ could be alone. "Guess we're stuck together," MJ said. "Not complaining," isaac shrugged, smiling down at her. "Wanna give her a ride?" Hearing that Isaac smiled excitedly and nodded in agreement.

Placing the helmet on his head, MJ leaned forward to grab hers but Isaac beat her to it. Grabbing it, he placed in gently on her face, hiding that smiles of hers. As they got ready to take off, MJ placed both of her hands around Isaac's waist, which movement caused Isaac to blush. He was so glad at the moment that he was wearing that helmet or else MJ could see how red he was.

Starting the engine, both teenagers headed home. Nearing the house, Isaac decided that he didn't want to go home. Just yet. Turning a sharp left turn, he headed to somewhere where he wanted to take MJ since the day they first talked.

"What are you doing Isaac. That's the opposite way were supposed to go!" MJ noted the obvious but Isaac wasn't listening. "I know. I wanna take you somewhere," hearing that, MJ wanted to say that she really liked that idea of his but she decided to stay quiet and see where they were headed.

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now