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After MJ's breakdown her and Isaac promised to each other to not talk about it ever again and forget about it. A promise they both agreed to keep. The next morning, MJ woke up earlier than her sister. Putting on her pair of low rise jeans and white tank top along with her zip up jacket, she got ready for the day.

As she was getting her things ready, she kept thinking what happened the previous day. She never yelled at her sister before but in the vulnerable situation she was, she needed jackie more than anything. Maybe yelling wasn't the best solution.

"Oh you're up," the voice of jackie broke MJ out of her overthinking. "I'm sorry," jackie once again said. "I should've been there. I should had my phone with me i'm so sorry MJ," jackie genuinely apologised. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was wrong of me," MJ apologised too.

"Forgive me?" They both at the same time, causing them to laugh. Giving each other a hug they both had the feeling of relief. "Come on we gotta go,"

"Hey," MJ now noticing her sister's hair. "Where's Lorax's highlights dude," she joked refering to her bleached, orange hair she had. "I liked those," glaring at her sister, MJ let out a chuckle.

Once they got downstairs, they noticed Alex sitting and eating peacefully his cereal but they also noticed the glares that he and jackie were receiving. Nathan was also there trying to stop this nonsense that was going on. "What's with the stares dude?" MJ said and looked at the three boys. "Look away!" She shooed them away and the boys looked down at their breakfast.

"Hold on is everyone mad at me?" Jackie asked as she saw the stares she had received. "Well you did press the nuclear snitch button," nathan shrugged. "They're mad at alex too, they'll get over it," he reassured her. "Hey girls," kathrine greeted them as she entered the kitchen.

"How are you doing this morning?"

"I'm okay," MJ said and a 'me too' was followed after by jackie. "Well your hair looks awesome," she said as she looked st jackie's hair. "Thank you,"

"And listen, i promise there's gonna be no more pranks, period." kathrine promised as she looked at her boys. "Right guys,"


"And Isaac is going to pay for jackie's hair dye with money of his allowance,"

"Oh can you pay for mine too," MJ said sarcastically, obviously making fun of him. "And he and cole owe you an apology right away," kathrine instructed as he looked at Isaac waiting for him to apologise. "I'm sorry jackie,"

"That didn't sound so convincing man," MJ said once again making fun of him, and what she earned was a chuckle from nathan and a glare from Isaac himself.

"I'm thinking now that there's three girls in the house, the downstairs bathroom is just for Jackie, Parker and MJ," kathrine shared her thought but the three of them couldn't believe it.

"That's Benny's!"

"Fine. Jackie, Parker, Benny and MJ,"

"They just got here. And they gets their own room and bathroom?" Lee complained, making them both feel like some kind of intruders.

"Excuse me?" Kathrine couldn't believe her boys' behaviour towards the girls. "Really, Katherine. Forget it" the oldest howard felt like she was runing everything. Leaving the room, feeling like a total intruder, kathrine tried to call her to come down but jackie was already inside her room.

Shaking her head in disappointment, MJ followed her sister up the stairs to see if she was alright.

After MJ made sure that her sister was fine, she decided to do something. Going down the stairs, she tried finding cole but he was nowhere to be found. Going outside, she immediately stopped him and she neared him.

"Hey cole, you got a minute?" She asked him, waiting for him to reply. After giving her a nod of confirmation she continued. "I need a favor,"

"This is the favour?" Cole asked as he saw MJ's motorcycle in front of him. "Yeah, and i thought since you're kind of an expert on this stuff, you'll give me a hand." MJ said trying to convince him to help her. Indeed her bike needed a repair or two and cole was the person she was counting on.

After a few minutes of pleading him, he finally agreed and both of them started working on the bike. While cole was giving simple instructions, MJ followed them and helped him repair the bike of hers.

Isaac on the other hand, was asked to find MJ by jackie so he went to look for her. After her little breakdown in his arms, Isaac felt sorry for the girl and how she was dealing with everything. Yeah he didn't like Jackie much bur MJ was something different. He wasn't able to admit his feelings. He wasn't that kind of guy to express his feelings to the opposite sex and make sweet gestures and stuff.

But for MJ he was willing to do all that loving and caring shit. He realised that maybe he was indeed started to gain feelings for her. Shaking his head from all his thoughts scattered around in his head, he heard two voices laughing snd joking around.

Finding the source where the laughs came, he came to a stop when he noticed MJ and his cousin Cole fixing her bike, joking and chuckling around. Clearing his throat, he caught both Cole's and MJ's attention. "Hey, Isaac need something?" MJ asked curiously, but Isaac was just staring at her. Waving her hands in front of her of him to break him out of his sudden trance his was, Isaac finally came to his senses and informed her of what he was here for.

"U-uh Jackie is looking for you," he said to the girl before him. Nodding in understanding, MJ quickly apologised to cole for leaving him alone and went inside in search of her sister.

As she was making her way inside the house, Isaac couldn't but stare at her, leaving his sight. Cole noticed that and he started making fun of the situation before him. "Looking at something interesting Isaac?"

"Yea-no. No," he quickly declined, wishing that he didn't stare for so long. "Keep lying to yourself dude," cole patted his shoulder and went back at the bike situation. Letting out a scoff, Isaac let him be, heading for the house again.

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat