Chapter 1

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Kat Whitlock, a twenty-three-year-old war criminal in search of creating her own team. Kat is a natural leader, though she does have a bit of a temper. She's committed more crimes than you could count on your fingers, and somehow all before she turned twenty-five.

"Are you in?"

Kat was sat in a private bar, owned by a relative. She looked over a file comprised of several names and private information about several criminals she had been looking into. She wanted to start a team of war criminals, but for reasons only she would be allowed to know. She was planning on taking down other military special forces that would compromise her safety.

Kat was a criminal herself. She had committed a variety of crimes that your average criminal would only dream of. As she inspected one file in particular of someone she had grown up with, she smirked as the details got worse the longer she read. She glanced up at the man sitting across from her. "Yes? Or no?" she asked him.

The look on the man's face was cold. It seemed as if he wasn't even paying attention to a word Kat was saying, but she knew he was. Kat waited for his answer, allowing him to consider the benefits she was offering. Within a few seconds, he let out a breathy laugh and leaned forward, pressing his elbows on the table. He nodded, "Yeah... Yeah, I'm in," he replied.

Kat smirked and leaned back in her chair, keeping her legs crossed and her hands folded. "Good," she responded. "I can tell you will be a good choice, Zync," she said. The man, now addressed as Zync, nodded. "Just don't kill me," he replied. He wasted no time at all standing up and taking a step away from the table. "You know where to find me," he said, and he made his way over to the bar, leaving Kat alone with her sinister thoughts.


Next was Kye Russel; a dangerous woman, and Kat liked that about her. Her file was full of crimes, though some spaces were left blank. She was an enigma, yet to be figured out. Kat walked into a large apartment building and made her way up the elevator. She stopped on the fourth floor and made her way slowly down the hallway, searching for room 413.

She searched the halls for a while until she found the room, and instead of knocking, she pulled out a Glock-17 and shot the lock, breaking it and ultimately making her way inside. Kye was standing in her kitchen, staring at the door as if she was ready to fight whoever walked inside.

"I need to speak with you," Kat said, but instead of the usual fear she was met with, Kye was pissed.

"Who the fuck are you? Get the hell out of my house!" she yelled. Kye reached into a drawer and pulled out a Bersa Thunder 380. Kat was impressed and pulled her own gun out. "Sit down, Kye. I'm only here to make an offer," Kat said. She tried to negotiate her way through this, but Kye was not complying, which was expected.

Kye looked at Kat as if she had grown a second head on her shoulders. "Bitch- who even are you? Get out before I blow a bullet through your fucking skull," Kye said. Kat sighed, feeling the anger get to her. Having two angry bitches in the same vicinity was not a good idea. "I said sit the fuck down!" Kat yelled. She was growing impatient.

Kye didn't sit down, but she did figure that since she wasn't being shot, then the woman in her house must have something important to say. "What offer?" kye said with a curious tone. She lowered her gun and put it on the counter, waiting for Kat to say what she needed. "I want you on my team. I've done my research on you, and you're practically the ideal choice. I can't tell you what we're doing, but just know we will kill and hurt a lot of people," Kat responded. She looked as if she was growing impatient, but she kept her cool.

Kye thought for a moment. It seemed as if she was genuinely considering it. "What's in it for me?" she asked. Kat anticipated such a reaction, and she smiled.

"Your life," she said in a cold tone.

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