Chapter 13

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"Oh shit... Kali's back?" Zync questioned. Kat shook her head no before responding. "No. She wants me to go back to Italy," she said. Zync furrows his eyebrows as if Kat could read his mind. "Call everyone to the debriefing room," Kat said. Zync nodded and walked out of the office. Kat grabbed her phone and took a swig from her whiskey bottle before getting up and making her way into the debriefing room.

When Kat walked inside, everyone had already made it inside. "So you're leaving? And you're going alone?" Evelina questioned Kat the moment she walked into the room. Kat paused and thought for a moment. "Yes, I am leaving for a few days, but I never said I was going alone. Give me a chance to tell you first," Kat said. She didn't seem to have the energy to snap at Eve, so she responded calmly.

Kat walked to the front of the room and sighed. "I suppose you all deserve to know the context behind what's going on," she began. "Well no shit," Milo interjects. "Watch it, kid. This could be serious," Alexis points out. Kat sighs and crosses her arms. "Thank you, Lex. Now, I got a phone call from my younger sister, and I need to take care of some things in Italy. I owe you all an explanation about my family as well," Kat began.

"I had a harsh parents were pretty abusive," she said.


"I AM SO SICK OF YOU KAT! WHY CAN'T YOU DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD HUH?!" Her mother yelled as she dragged her across the living room. Kat wasn't afraid of her mother anymore..mainly because she knew her mother was only angry when she was drunk. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Kat said with blood running down her nose. Her mother looked at her wide-eyed..before lifting her fist to hit her. Her mother hit her not once but twice. Kali stood on the stairs watching in shock. She knew she couldn't cry...not in front of her mother and stepfather.

"You're an asshole...and a terrible mother...all you care about is getting drunk with your stupid boyfriend," Kat said laughing with blood running down her face. Her mother hit her again and Kat fell to the floor. "I am so sick of you...I am not gonna take care of an ungrateful brat like you." Her mother said taking a shot.

"What are you talking about?" Kat said standing up and trying to wipe the blood off her face. "It means you can't stay here anymore you little fucker." Andy said. Kat stood there in a moment of confusion "What about Kali?" She asked.

"Kali is staying here.. because she isn't an ungrateful bitch like you," Andy said harshly.

Kat bit down on her lip trying hard not to let all her anger out. She rushed to the kitchen and Kali followed behind her. "What are you doing?! Kali asked. "I'm gonna teach that fucker a lesson!" Kat said grabbing the sharpest knife she could find. "Kat wait!" Kali said trying to stop her sister. Kat turned around with the knife in her hand and accidentally cut Kali. "OW!" Kali screamed as she watched the blood rush from her hand. "I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry!" Kat said trying to stop the bleeding.

Her parents stumbled into the kitchen "What the fuck did you do?!" Her mother yelled. "I haven't we told you about playing with knives?!" Andy yelled as he grabbed Kat and dragged her to the basement. "WAIT NO I'M SORRY!" She screamed as he pushed her towards the stairs. "You little bitch you think you're so special huh?! Guess what you're not and you never will be!" He yelled before pushing her down the basement stairs.

Kali stood in the bathroom wiping her tears as her mother drunkenly wrapped her arm in a bandage. Her parents kept a first aid kit in-house..since they always felt the need to hit their kids. "Shut the fuck up with all that crying." Her mother yelled. "Listen here.." she said as she grabbed Kali's face "Your sister is a spoiled ass brat..she cut you to get back at me and your father!" She said slurring her words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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