Chapter 10

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This chapter was written by kxtzyreads

Tension hung heavy in the air as the team sat in the cramped confines of the van, their duos paired off uncomfortably. Kat, her fingers tapping frantically on her phone, was the first to break the silence. She attempted to send some last-minute details to Ghost.

"Stop fucking looking at me," Kat snapped at Keegan, who sat next to her. A mischievous smirk played on his lips as he made no effort to turn away. "No thanks," he retorted, his voice laced with a hint of playful defiance.

Kat's frustration flared, and she looked up from her phone, unleashing a harsh glare towards Keegan. "You're a very disobedient puppy," she muttered, her annoyance palpable. Zync rolled his eyes and interjected with a voice dripping in sarcasm. "Stop flirting. We don't want to see that shit," he remarked, his tone laced with disdain.

Kat's retort was swift, and her words cut through the tense atmosphere. "Don't think I haven't seen you taking glances at my medic," she fired back, her words carrying a mix of accusation and amusement. The van fell into an uneasy silence as the others absorbed her unexpected revelation.

Amilee, the medic in question who had been quietly observing the exchange, couldn't help but interject. "He— what?" she questioned, her eyes widening with surprise.

Kat, undeterred by the attention her words had garnered, maintained her defiant stance. "Yeah, bitch, say something else," she replied harshly to Zync, effectively silencing him. The van grew quieter, the weight of their impending mission pressing upon them.

Amidst the palpable tension, Kye, seated to the right of Lottie, seemed unfazed. She casually puffed on a blunt, filling the air with a cloud of smoke. Lottie focused on the road ahead and maintained her composure, the weight of responsibility settling upon her shoulders.

Amilee's gaze shifted between Kat and Zync, her mind racing with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Meanwhile, Kat took charge, her voice cutting through the quiet van. "Alright, guys, if you die, I can't exactly replace you, so don't," she declared, her words carrying a sense of sobering reality.

The response was met with silence, a collective acknowledgment of the gravity of their mission. Each team member understood the risks involved, their shared determination to succeed binding them together in an unspoken pact.

As the van continued towards the mission location, the intensity of the moment hung in the air, fueling their resolve. They were a team forged in the crucible of danger, and they would face whatever lay ahead with unwavering determination.


"Alright, on my signal, we move in. Zync, if you see anyone who shouldn't be here, kill them, okay?" Kat said through the coms. A quick "yes" was heard from everyone and Kat began watching. Everyone was in their designated hiding places, and ready for the signal.

There was a man standing in the center of the room on a call with someone, and the moment he walked in front of the window, a bullet flew through the phone and his head, killing him immediately. "Now," Kat said. She and Keegan broke down the door and rushed into the building.

It was a one-story building, so there was only one level to clear. Keegan and Kat went left while Kye and Lottie went right. Meanwhile, perched on a vantage point in the adjacent building, Zync peered through his scope, providing invaluable cover fire for Kat and his team. By his side, Amilee stood ready to tend to any injuries that might arise.
As the mission unfolded, chaos erupted. Gunfire echoed through the air, punctuated by the occasional explosion. The soldiers moved with precision, their training and instincts propelling them forward.
However, amidst the chaos, tragedy struck and Zync took a bullet. H was met with intense pain, and he cursed loudly. "Fuck!" Amilee rushed to his side, her heart pounding with urgency. As she tended to Zync's wounds, the proximity between them caused a heavy tension to take hold.
"Don't look at me like that...," Amilee spoke softly as she disinfected and bandaged Zync's wound. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Like what?" he strained. He tried to maintain his nonchalant behavior despite his pain. " you wanna eat me..," she said. She bandaged him successfully and made a bit of distance. "Maybe I do," Zync said.
Kat, though injured herself, fought through the pain, displaying unwavering determination. She pulled out a cigar and lit it, the smoke curling around her face like a defiant statement amidst the turmoil. In a moment of grim realism, she turned to Keegan, her voice steady yet tinged with a somber note.
"Keegan," she said, her eyes meeting his, "if you find this cigar on the ground, unfinished... it means I'm dead. Leave my body and complete the mission."
Keegan looked at her as if she was insane. "What the fuck? That's dark, sweetheart. Don't say things that piss me off so much, hm?" he said. "The point is, puppy, I'm smoking all my shit, so don't look at the fucking ground," Kat said.
She rolled her eyes and kept forcing her way through the building. "Target is secured in the basement and guarded," Kat said to Keegan. He nodded and continued going.


The words hung heavy in the air as Kye's urgent command pierced through the deafening sounds of gunfire. "Lottie, we gotta split up. The hallway is too big!" she shouted, her weapon firing relentlessly. In response, Lottie swiftly transitioned, trading her knives for a trusty firearm before sprinting towards a separate section of the sprawling hallway, her heart pounding in her chest.

For a while, things seemed to go according to plan. Both Kye and Lottie worked with unwavering determination, clearing each room and corridor with remarkable efficiency. Kye moved with precision, shooting and stabbing any enemies that crossed her path. But as she reached her final room, the tide turned against her. The enemies overwhelmed her, leaving no trace of her presence behind except for tattered shreds of her uniform and broken gear. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving behind a haunting void.

Meanwhile, Lottie found herself lost in her own world, her senses consumed by the chaos surrounding her. She moved with a lethal grace, dispatching her adversaries with an ease that should have disturbed her. The weight of each life she took settled heavily upon her conscience, a reminder of the grim reality she and her team faced—the harsh truth that they were forced to become skilled killers to survive.

Both Kat and Lottie battled their own struggles within the relentless onslaught. Kat fought through the pain of her injuries, her determination unwavering even as her body screamed for respite. Lottie, on the other hand, felt the weight of annoyance pressing upon her. The sheer number of enemies in the building seemed almost orchestrated, as if they had been lying in wait for their arrival.

"Fucking hell," the exasperated words escaped both Kat and Lottie simultaneously, their voices lost in the distance that separated them.

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