Chapter 5

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Milo and Lottie had been sent out and were on their way to the location that Kat sent them to. Kat monitored their vitals through a tiny heart monitor badge built into their uniforms, ensuring they stayed alive. She didn't want to risk losing them.

Now that Lottie and Milo were on the helicopter, they discussed strategy until they arrived.  Everything was still and quiet. Lottie was suspicious of it, but Milo, however, was ready to go back.

They snuck around the corners and hallways until they found a place to hide. Valeria was there with Price and Alejandro. Lottie listened while Milo watched her back. That was until he couldn't. Ghost came around the corner and before Milo could react, he was unconscious.

Valeria went around the corner and caught Ghost just after he knocked Lottie unconscious. She smirked and looked up at Ghost. "Keep that one. I'll take care of La niña," she said. Ghost nodded and took Milo to the cells in the basement, while Valeria took Lottie outside.
(The girl)

Lottie regained consciousness outside on the ground. She woke up in a panic until she heard a voice. "Calm down, Princessa, No te preocupes," she said.
(Don't worry)

"Where's Kid?" Lottie asked. Her voice was forceful. She sounded slightly worried. "Ghost probably locked him up. He might even be dead, baby. Too bad for you," Valeria responded. Lottie narrowed her gaze at the woman. She was attractive, but she was a snake.

"Here's what's gonna happen, Amor. I'm gonna let you go back to your little team, and then you tell them your friend is dead, sí?" Valeria said. She was playing with her. Lottie was in no position to compromise. She needed to tell Kat. But there was one thing Lottie failed to know.

Kat already knew.

Lottie scrambled up and checked her pockets, only to realize that her weapons were gone. "Fucking snake," Lottie cursed. Valeria smirked. "Tu eres muy bonita, mi cariña," she said.
(you are very beautiful, my darling)

Lottie rolled her eyes and tried to walk away. Clearly, she wasn't getting anywhere.

Valeria grabbed Lottie's arm and pulled her back to her. She grabbed her waist and held her close. Lottie tried to pull away at first but stopped. Then, Valeria did something unexpected. She kissed her. It was gentle and quick, but enough to shock Lottie.
"A parting gift," Valeria said. She turned around and went back inside, leaving Lottie with a spark of hatred forming in her heart.


Kat was watching the heart monitors of Lottie and Milo, taking note of the spikes now and again. She imagined it to be adrenaline until it dawned on her. Milo's heart slowed down a bit, meaning he was asleep.

They were caught.

Kat heard her phone ring, and she picked it up from the table and looked at the name.


"Where is my boy?" she said after picking up immediately. "waking up. Ghost has him," Price says. Kat's eyes widened. Ghost would eat Milo alive. "Bring me my Sergeant, Price," Kat said. She was pissed.

"Okay," he said.

The line clicks. Lottie had made it back to the base after a few hours. As soon as she did, the first person she went to find was Kat. "Kat! They- They took him! The kid is gone!" she yelled as she made her way into the brief room. Kat sighs. "I know. They'll bring him back. Price won't let Ghost kill him," Kat responded.

Lottie looked confused but somewhat relieved. "Lottie, I want you and Zync to hide our weapons. Price knows where we are. Milo told Ghost," Kat said. It wasn't surprising that Milo said anything. Ghost was the one who took him, after all.

Instantly, Lottie did just as she was told. Kat went to find Alexis, to send her on a solo mission of her own. Once she found Alexis and Evelina sitting in the lounge, she spoke. "Lex, how do you feel about a mission?" she said.

Lex nods. "I will text you the addresses of everyone here, and I want you to burn all of the buildings. The catch is that someone will be in my home. Do not harm him. His name is Johnny MacTavish, better known as Soap. Work with him on this, then you wait a day before coming back in case you are followed," Kat said.

"Fucking finally, I get to blow shit up! Yeah, I'm ready, let me go suit up and get some materials," Alexis said. She was excited.

Eve looked at Kat with a confused expression but brushed it off. "Eve, you can go shopping tomorrow morning. I'll give you my card, and you buy clothes for everyone since you all came here without anything," Kat said. Eve nodded and turned back to look at the television.

Kat made her way to the main area of the base and waited. She knew everything that was going to happen, and she knew who the first person to come through the door would be.

She watched the door and waited for hours until she heard a loud bang. She used the controls on her phone to open the door, and immediately, it was just as she predicted.

Milo. And he was injured.

Kat picked up her phone and called Carabella. "I need you to prep the room for Milo. He's hurt," she said. "You got it, boss," Carabella responds. "Grazie, sole," Kat responds and hangs up. Eve, being the closest to Milo, helps him to the infirmary.

Kat let's out a long sigh as she sees something she never thought would happen. Not only did Price and his team come, but Keegan Russ was with them.

It was going to be a long night. 

A/N: WOW! two chapters in one day! I was running errands a bunch today, and I didn't expect to be done so early, so I thought I'd treat you all!

Hope you enjoyed, my lovelies <3

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