Author's Note

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Dear angels,

Hello my lovely whores. I'm sorry to say, but today will be really busy for me, and so I won't be able to upload today, but I'll try my hardest to push out a chapter for my babies tonight. If not, I'll try my hardest to push out two chapters tomorrow, if not one really long chapter.

Love you all,


Ps. Just a reminder, since i did not say this before, but these characters in this story belong to not only me, but a group of my closest friends.
Alexis, Kye, Milo, Evelina, Lottie, Ronnie, and Ámilee are all creations of my friends.

Kat, Zync, and Carabella are all my characters.

I sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed, and made this story possible. You guys are truly amazing friends.

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